Turinabol: Dosage and Cycle for Maximum Strength

Turinabol is an anabolic steroid created for non-medical purposes. It was formulated to help the East German track and field team gain advantages during the Olympic Games between 1968 and 1989. Turinabol is an amazing steroid compound that bodybuilders and athletes use to improve their muscle mass and strength. Turinabol gives you effective bodybuilding results when you take proper Turinabol dosage. This guide will discuss the recommended Tbol dosage and cycle to gain maximum strength and energy.


#1. What is Turinabol?

Le Turinabol is also known as Tbol or Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone. It is a powerful anabolic steroid. Tbol is available in oral form, and you can find Turinabol for sale in the United States. Turinabol is a slight modification of a testosterone molecule. The anabolic/androgenic ratio of Tbol is 54:6. When you consume the correct dose of Tbol, you do not face any harmful effects on your body.

Also, Tbol has no aromatization, meaning it does not convert to estrogen. So you can use it without worrying about the various estrogenic side effects. You cannot face estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia, bloating, water retention, etc. It has less androgenic properties and powerful anabolic properties. This steroid is great for building muscle mass and helpful in reducing body fat.

When you follow the recommended Tbol cycle with protection, you will experience several benefits. Let's find them.


An extract of Turinabol on Up.


#2. Benefits of Turinabol

Le turinaboIt is particularly beneficial for improving performance. It is not as effective for muscle mass growth, but it brings significant muscle strength to your body. Tbol provides moderate muscle gain compared to other anabolic steroids.

Turinabol can be used for multiple purposes. Bodybuilders and athletes use Tbol because of its most prominent effects and numerous benefits such as:

  • Moderate muscle mass gain
  • Addition of lean muscle mass
  • Improves performance level
  • Increases stamina level
  • Increases endurance and strength
  • Improves recovery rate
  • Pumping effect
  • Better sleep
  • Better mood
  • Better vascularity and improved leanness
  • No injection needed
  • Prevention of gynecomastia
  • Effective for weight loss cycle
  • No estrogenic side effects
  • Improves blood flow
  • Increases SHBG binding
  • Few androgenic activities
  • Decrease in body fat

All of the above benefits depend on the correct Turinabol dosage and the purity of the steroids. Therefore, always buy the steroids Turniabol online on the most reputable websites.


A before after of a Turinabol cure.


#3. Turinabol Dosage and Cycle Information

The Turinabol dosage is between 10mg and 80mg per day. It is used for various purposes, such as weight loss and strength gain. You can consume the dosage of Tbol according to your needs and experience level. The ideal Turinabol cycle is four to eight weeks. Tbol can be used as a solo cycle, or you can combine it with other anabolic steroids to get more effective results.

We will see here the two recommended cycles of Turinabol:

→ Turinabol cycle for male users

Week Turinabol liver protection
1 to 8 60 mg daily 3 tabs per day

→ Turinabol cycle for female users

Week Turinabol liver protection
1 to 6 5 to 7.5 mg per day 3 tabs per day


#4. Most Recommended Turinabol Stack Cycle

The stack is a preferable method that bodybuilders and athletes use. Because according to experienced users, combining methods give more effective results and help them achieve their goals. Here are some of the most recommended Tbol stack cycles:

→Turinabol and testosterone enanthate stack cycle.

Week Turinabol Testosterone Enanthate liver protection
1 to 8 30 mg daily 300 to 500mg per week 3 tabs / day
9 to 12 N/A 300 to 500mg per week 3 tabs / day

→Turinabol, Testosterone Cypionate and Deca Durabolin stack cycle

Week Turinabol Testosterone Cypionate Deca Durabolin liver protection
1 to 8 60 mg daily 100 mg per week 400 mg per week 3 tabs / day
9 to 12 N/A 100 mg per week 400 mg per week 3 tabs / day

→ Turinabol and Anavar stack cycle

Week Turinabol Anavar liver protection
1 to 2 5 mg daily N/A 3 tabs / day
3 to 8 N/A 10 mg daily 3 tabs / day

You have been warned! : Turinabol is a liver toxic steroid available in pill and tablet form. So you should always use liver protection like Samarin (SamaGen) or LIV-52 during Turinabol cycle. These liver supplements protect your liver from damage and other liver diseases.

LEAN MASS GAIN PACK - Dragon Pharma - TURINABOL 8 weeks

#5. Turinabol and Post Cycle Therapy

When you consume Tbol for any purpose, it suppresses the natural production of your testosterone levels. It is therefore advisable to perform Post Cycle Therapy at the end of the Tbol cycle. PCT supplements such as Clomid and Nolvadex begin to replicate your testosterone level and bring your body back to its normal state. A good PCT also helps you fight the various side effects that occur due to the use of Tbol. Get the best recommended PCT Tbol cycle:

Week Nolvadex Clomid
Week 1 20 mg 50 mg
Week 2 20 mg 50 mg
Week 3 10 mg 25 mg
Week 4 10 mg 25 mg


#6. turinabol for women

Turinabol is a powerful anabolic steroid, so women are not recommended to use it. If the women use its low doses to improve their muscle mass or strength, it can cause virilization effects. Women should therefore avoid using Turinabol. Women can only use the safest and mildest anabolic steroids like Anavar, Winstrol, Boldenone, Primobolan and Clenbuterol.


#7. Where to buy Turinabol?

You can buy Turinabol online or from major pharmaceutical companies. Remember that not all retailers and websites sell original products. Many websites are selling bogus products which do not give results and waste your time and money. So be careful of these counterfeit products.

Always find reliable sources that sell original or high quality products. You can buy Turinabol from the upsteroid site. We sell 100% authentic and high quality products that help you achieve your goals. Upsteroid has various safe and secure payment methods to purchase any high quality product for your convenient payment method.



Turinabol is an anabolic and androgenic steroid that is used for weight gain and weight loss. When you follow the recommended dosage and cycle length, it will give great muscle building results. High dose and long term use of Tbol can lead to various side effects.

If you still have any doubts about the steroid cycle, you can contact our expert in coaching at any time for assistance.

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