Buy Clenbuterol Online

What is Clenbuterol?

Clenbuterol first became known in the medical field in 1977. During this time, this Anabolic Steroid has been used in the treatment of patients with severe breathing problems. Clenbuterol is still used as a bronchodilator and also as a decongestant for people with chronic asthma.
But in the bodybuilding world, Clenbuterol is used by bodybuilders who want to perform a cutting cycle. Many bodybuilders buy Clenbuterol for the purpose of shedding excess body fat and losing weight.
Le clenbuterol is an oral sympathomimetic amine with a high bioavailability of between 89 and 98 percent. Clen metabolism mainly takes place in the liver while the elimination half-life of this steroid is between 36 and 48 hours. When Clenbuterol is completely broken down in the body, it is excreted in both urine and feces.

How does Clenbuterol work?

The operation of Clenbuterol is based on the process of thermogenesis. They increase body temperature. The body tries to cool them down and they burn more calories and fat. Bodybuilders use it to burn fat.

Why is Clenbuterol one of the best oral steroids for cutting cycles?

When bodybuilders buy oral steroids For cutting cycles, first of all, one should choose Clenbuterol for the following reasons:

  • Clen is easy to use,
  • Clenbuterol cycles are normally short,
  • Low to moderate dosages are only necessary,
  • Clen can be combined with other Anabolic Steroids, and
  • Clenbuterol offers fast weight loss benefits.

The benefits of Clenbuterol

Bodybuilders use Clenbuterol when they want to lose weight in the shortest time. Clen also provides users with fat burning effects. This steroid will raise your average body temperature and convert excess fat into energy fuel.
Clenbuterol will also increase your basal metabolic rate while increasing your heart rate. This anabolic androgenic steroid will help you maximize your workout performance.
Here are the benefits if you choose the best clenbuterol products in bodybuilding:

  • They provide you with extra strength,
  • Clenbuterol increases your energy level,
  • They give you exceptional stamina.

With Clen, you will be able to optimize your time spent at the gym. Clenbuterol can also be combined with other anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS).
As Clen increases your body temperature, the anabolic effects of the AAS combined with Clenbuterol will be enhanced. This will lead to the breakdown of your body fat into lean skeletal muscle mass.
On top of that, the protein synthesis in your muscles will increase. The increase in protein synthesis will then lead to the growth and regrowth of your skeletal muscle mass.

The Clenbuterol steroid cycle for men and women

A typical Clenbuterol cycle should work for a short period of time. Clen is hepatotoxic and therefore can cause significant damage to your liver if used continuously over a long period of time.
Clen can be combined with other anabolic androgenic steroids or used on its own for weight loss. A 2 week cycle with a moderate dose of Clenbuterol should be sufficient for beginners.
There are many factors that need to be taken into account before running a Clen cycle. You should therefore consult our specialist. We provide free advice.
Some of the factors to consider include:

  • Your current age,
  • Your current body weight,
  • Your current state of health.

Using Clen when you have underlying health concerns, such as: Cardiovascular or liver health issues which can be extremely dangerous and even fatal.
A 2 week Clen cycle would be suitable for both male and female users. The use of liver protection drugs such as Nolvadex ou SamaGen (Samarin140) in the 2 week Clen cycle should be considered by both male and female users.
During the first week of the cycle, your daily dose of Clen may look like this:

1er day 40 mcg
2nd day 40 mcg
3nd day 40 mcg
4nd day 80 mcg
5nd day 80 mcg
6nd day 80 mcg
7nd day 120 mcg

You can start with Clenbuterol 40mcg (a single tablet) on the 1st day and this dosage will increase to 80 mcg from the 4th day until the 6th day. On the 7th day of week 1, you can further increase your daily dose to 120 mcg.
For week 2 of your Clen cycle, you can follow the daily dosage below:

8nd day 120 mcg
9nd day 80 mcg
10nd day 80 mcg
11nd day 80 mcg
12nd day 40 mcg
13nd day 40 mcg
14nd day 0 mcg (Do NOT take Clenbuterol on this day)

Note that most pharmaceutical companies like Euro Pharmacies et Hilma deus offer products with a concentration of 40 mcg per tablet.

The side effects of Clenbuterol

The first step to avoiding severe side effects is to avoid buying fake Clenbuterol. Buying adulterated Clen products made up of impurities can be very dangerous for your health.
Nonetheless, some of the health complications of using Clenbuterol include:

  • Arterial hypertension,
  • Tachycardia,
  • Nervousness,
  • Subaortic stenosis,
  • Thyrotoxicosis.

Remember to seek the advice of a doctor or a qualified bodybuilding trainer before embarking on a Clen cycle. Plus, don't overdo, abuse, or overdose Clen.
Taking a daily dose of Clen greater than 120 mcg may cause nausea, dizziness, vomiting, headache, migraine, palpitations, myocardial infarction, gastric irritation, and muscle tremors.

Where to buy clenbuterol online for bodybuilding?

You can buy Clenbuterol online for bodybuilding at This is a site that offers 100% original Clenbuterol products made by reputable pharmaceutical companies.
In addition to guaranteeing you quality products, Upsteroid also offers you several payment options such as credit card, bank transfer, bitcoin and others. Upsteroid uses advanced SSL (Secure Socket Language) encryption technology and firewalls.
This ensures that all of your personal and financial information is protected from cyber thieves and hackers. You also have the guarantee of a fast delivery of all your orders and to any place in the world.

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