How to pay your order with RIA

We offer you the best way to pay for your order in just 10 minutes, wherever you are. RIA is similar to Moneygram or Western-Union. Pay in person, by phone (unavailable on 1st payment) or online by credit card (only in the United States).

1 - How to pay for your order with RIA

In person

You can find a Ria agency near you:

  1. Go to a RIA agency
  2.  The agent enters your data into the system
  3.  Your money will be transferred to us in 10 minutes

By phone

Just call RIA, your money transfer will be ready in just 10 minutes.
(only available if you already have a RIA account and have already made a payment earlier)

The beneficiary information is only valid for 72 hours from the date of your order.

The beneficiary information is for single use only, so for just one order. For any future order, we will automatically give you a new beneficiary information.

Please follow the instructions below to complete your payment:

  1. Use first and last name of beneficiary indicated on the payment page after placing your order.
  2. Use your first and last name as shown on your national identity card.
  3. Use the destination country given on the checkout page after making your order.
  4. Put the amount you want to send (you also need to pay the transfer fee, we need to receive the exact order amount)
  5. The beneficiary must receive the payment in cash (Please select the payment option as cash withdrawal).
  6. Please make sure the recipient receives the same currency you send :
    If you are paying in €, please specify that our beneficiary must receive the total amount of your order in € and not in another currency.
    If you are paying in $, please specify that our beneficiary must receive the total amount of your order in $ and not in another currency.
    If you are paying in a currency other than $ or €, then please request that the beneficiary receive in $.
    Note that the minimum amount is € 120 ($ 120).
  7. IMPORTANT: In “payment object”, you must mention “PRIVATE TRANSFER” (If the Payment Subject field is left blank or if you specify another transfer reason, your payment will be canceled.)
  8. Keep the RIA reference code that the agent will provide to you.
  9. After your payment, please send us the payment confirmation form below:

Confirm my payment:

    My first name* :

    My name* :

    My country* :

    My email* :

    My order number *:

    Exact amount sent (without transfer fees) *:

    Payment method* :
    Bitcoin, Bitpanda, ...WesternUnionRIAZelle/Venmo(USA)Bank transfer WISE EURO

    Western-Union Recipient's first name *:

    Western-Union beneficiary's last name *:

    Western-Union MTCN Western-Union code *:

    MG Beneficiary's first name*:

    MG Beneficiary's last name*:

    MG Reference Number*:

    RIA First name of beneficiary *:

    RIA beneficiary's last name *:

    RIA PIN *:

    Zelle/Venmo Recipient First Name*:

    Zelle/Venmo Recipient Last NAME*:

    Zelle/Venmo Reference Number*:

    Issuing bank*:

    Reference number*:

    WISE EUR transaction number (transfer reference)*:

    WISE USD transaction number (transfer reference)*:

    Please attach a photo of the proof of payment (except Bitcoin payments):

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