How Does Testosterone Help Older Men?

The Testosteroneis a hormone that is responsible for various changes in male characteristics. It is created in humans' testicles. These hormones play an essential role in the functioning of the body. Low testosterone is not life threatening, but it can cause a variety of side effects that need to be addressed to avoid discomfort. According to one survey, the age of man suppresses the production of testosterone levels. After 30 years, it decreases by 1% per year.

A drop in testosterone is also called “Low T”. It should be treated with testosterone replacement therapy or with injections of testosterone such as testosterone enanthate, testosterone cypionate, testosterone propionate, Sustanon 250 and testosterone suspension. But before using them, you need to better understand testosterone and its effects. In this article, we are going to see how testosterone helps older men and what its effects are on the body. First, let's start with the basic definition.


What is testosterone?

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone produced naturally in the human body. It plays an essential role in the functioning of the body of men. Women produce very low amounts of testosterone in their bodies. In humans, it is produced by the cells of the testes. Testosterone has two main effects on the body of men:

  • The growth of muscle mass
  • Modification of various male characteristics

Testosterone plays a crucial role in the development and growth of men. It helps build muscle mass, improve libido, bone density and sperm production. It has a wide range of direct effects on male anatomy and metabolism. It stimulates the production of red blood cells by the bone marrow. It also plays an essential role in aggressiveness, normal erection and sexual performance.


Improves libido and sperm production


Testosterone and the life cycle

The production of testosterone begins very early in humans. Usually it begins in the 7th week of embryonic development. The production of adrenal androgens increases between the ages of six and eight, which triggers a transient growth spurt but no sexual growth. Testosterone production peaks in young men at age 17, and the majority of older men see their testosterone levels drop around age 40. Testosterone dosages for bodybuilding are different depending on their purpose. The dosage of TRT depends on how low your testosterone levels are.

There are four different injectable testosterone products. The basic variant of testosterone is modified by an ester, which will determine when the hormone is released into the body until the compound is completely absorbed. There are four esters, and all of them have different half-lives, as shown below:

  1. Testosterone enanthate : half-life is 10,5 days.
  2. Testosterone cypionate : Half-life is 12 days
  3. Testosterone propionate : Half-life of 4,5 days
  4. Suspension testosterone : Half-life less than 24 hours

The production of testosterone stimulates the growth of muscles and bones, the growth of facial and body hair, the production of red blood cells.


The different kinds of testosterone


Normal level of testosterone

According to recent guidelines from the American Urological Association (AUA), the normal testosterone level in humans is 300 ng / dL (nanograms per deciliter). If men's testosterone levels are below 300 ng / dL, low testosterone should be diagnosed.

According to the clinic's laboratories May, the average testosterone level for women aged 19 and over is 8 to 60 ng / dL. Testosterone levels (ng / dL) in healthy men are shown below:

Age Total testosterone Free testosterone Bioavailable testosterone
40-49 252-916 5.3-26.3 101-499
50-59 215-878 4.2-22.2 80-420
60-69 196-859 3.7-18.9 69-356
70-79 156-819 2.2-14.7 41-279


How Can Testosterone Supplements Help Older Men?

Testosterone supplements increase your testosterone levels and make you healthy or feel good. According to this survey, testosterone supplements have been shown to help men age. They protect against depression, erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, fatigue, loss of vitality and fatigue.

Additionally, testosterone boosters have the ability to regulate muscle mass, muscle size, bone mass, body fat, muscle definition, and strength. A lot of medical research suggests that testosterone supplements can help older men avoid health problems like poor muscle quality, muscle weakness, impaired neurotransmission, fat tissue hypertrophy, sarcopenia and more. the fragility.

Plus, testosterone supplements can go a long way in stimulating red blood cell production, improving mood and cognition, maintaining or increasing muscle mass, inhibiting bone resorption, and increasing hemoglobin levels.


Symptoms of low testosterone

When your testosterone is below 300 ng / dL, you are diagnosed with low testosterone. If you are suffering from low testosterone, you may experience various symptoms mentioned below:

  • Affected libido
  • Decreased sexual activity
  • Erection dysfunction
  • Hair loss (baldness)
  • Depression
  • Reduced muscle mass and strength
  • Increased body fat
  • Tiredness
  • Sleeping troubles
  • brain fog

Many of the above symptoms can also be due to lifestyle factors or other medical conditions. You don't need to be dealing with all of the symptoms as it depends on your low testosterone levels. If you take the right dosage of testosterone enanthate, you will increase your testosterone levels and avoid the various symptoms.


The result of elderly men who follow a course of Testosterone.


Common cause of low testosterone in men

It is a rare case, but men under 30 can cause low testosterone in men. Here are the common causes of low testosterone in men:

  • Injuries and tumors
  • High blood pressure and cholesterol levels
  • Overweight or obese
  • Liver disease
  • AIDS or diabetes
  • Cancer treatments like chemotherapy or radians



As you get older, testosterone levels may drop, and low testosterone levels can affect your health. Too high or too low testosterone is not good for your health. So, if you experience any of the above symptoms then you need to visit your doctor and measure your testosterone levels. Based on this, he will prescribe the best drugs for you. Low testosterone can be treated with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), or you can take various types of testosterone to increase your testosterone levels.

If you want advice on the dosage oftestosterone enanthate or other cycle variants, you can contact our experts in coaching; they will guide you to the best cycle with minimal side effects. You can ask them any question or ask them for 100% free advice. Our professionals have more than 10 years of experience in the field of bodybuilding.

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