Stanozolol: The main characteristics of this steroid

Stanozolol is a performance enhancing anabolic steroid. It is one of the drugs most frequently used by bodybuilders and professional athletes. the stanozolol is a 17-alpha-alkylated derivative of testosterone with anabolic and strongly androgenic properties. Stanozolol was developed by Winthrop Laboratories or Sterling in 1962. Stanozolol is not very effective in building muscle mass, but it can significantly improve strength and endurance. Stanozolol is available in two forms: oral and injectable.

Stanozolol is very popular for lean mass gain and weight loss. It is also famous for weight loss goals; it is a great choice for losing body fat and preserving lean muscle mass when you are on a low calorie diet. All of these results depend on the cycle and dosage of Stanozolol. How to use it correctly with the right stack. A famous athlete named Ben Johnson, used Stanozolol to win the Seoul Olympics in 1988. Stanozolol is one of the star products that is widely used in the bodybuilding world.


Ben Johnson

What is Stanozolol?

Le stanozolol is also called Winstrol, Win, Winny or Stanza. Originally, it was used for treatments against anemia and hereditary angioedema. The chemical formulation of Stanozolol (Winstrol) is C21H32N2O. It is an anabolic steroid widely used by bodybuilders and athletes to improve their physique and overall athletic performance. Stanozolol (Winstrol) helps during the cutting phase, lean mass gains and for weight loss purposes. You can find Stanozolol here.

The doses of Winstrol depend on how you use it. All you need to do is set your goal and perform the best recommended Winstrol cycle with the right stack. Many bodybuilders use their solo cycle, but they prefer a combination method for more effective results. They combine it with other anabolic steroids. The steroid Stanozolol is mild in nature, so it is one of the safest and most recommended steroids for female users. Both men and women can use Stanozolol (Winstrol) to improve their physical performance.


What happens to your body when you take Stanozolol?

Stanozolol is popular because of its effective results. It has short term effects on your body. Like all other anabolic steroids, Winstrol pills come with advantages and disadvantages. Stanozolol (Winstrol) does not convert into estrogen like other anabolic steroids, so it does not cause serious side effects. However, it is not a very strong steroid. But when you use it long term or take high doses, it can cause various side effects. It will quickly give the maximum effects and improve the red blood cell count and the catabolic process when you take Stanozolol.

It also improves tissue nutrition, calcium in bones and increases nitrogen retention in the body. Stanozolol is not flavored, so it does not cause water retention or gynecomastia in men. Oral forms of Winstrol are toxic to the liver, so it is essential to use liver protection during the Stanozolol cycle. The person who already has liver problems should avoid it.


Types of Stanozolol and how to use them?

Stanozolol (Winstrol) comes in two forms:

  1. Oral form (Winstrol pills)
  2. Injectable form (Winstrol Depot)

Winstrol pills are widely used by female users and beginners or novice users. Many steroid users find the oral forms of Stanozolol to be more convenient because they do not cause the pain associated with the injectable form. Winstrol pills have an active half-life of around 9 hours. Oral doses of Stanozolol depend on how you use it. Remember that the doses are different for men and women. women.

Winstrol Depot (injectable form) is water based. They are not as toxic to the liver as their oral form. Winstrol depot can be completely absorbed into the blood. Its active half-life is approximately 24 hours. Winstrol depot is a slight pain compared to the oral form, but it depends on the dose you are taking. Again, the doses of Winstrol depot depend on your gender and how you use it.


A Winstrol extract for sale on Upsteroid.


Stanozolol Dosage Information

The effective dose of Stanozolol is 50 mg to 100 mg per day for 6 to 8 weeks. Beginner users can use 50 mg per day, intermediate users can use 75 mg per day, and advanced users can use 100 mg per day. Remember that higher doses are unhealthy and therefore you should avoid them. Women can use lower doses than men. A lower dose of Winstrol, such as 10 mg to 20 mg per day, gives effective results to users. Note that you must use liver protection during the Winstrol cycle if you are using Winstrol pills.


Stanozolol Cycle Information

As we mentioned earlier, Stanozolol is used for three different purposes: For weight loss and lean mass gain. Here we will explain the best recommended cycle for the different purposes.

→ Winstrol Stack Cycle for weight loss

Week Stanozolol (Injection) Primobolan depot
Week 1 100 mg daily 200 mg per week
Week 2 100 mg daily 200 mg per week
Week 3 100 mg daily 200 mg per week
Week 4 100 mg daily 200 mg per week
Week 5 100 mg daily 200 mg per week
Week 6 100 mg daily 200 mg per week
Week 7 100 mg daily 200 mg per week
Week 8 100 mg daily 200 mg per week
Week 9 100 mg daily 200 mg per week
Week 10 100 mg daily 200 mg per week

→ Winstrol stack cycle for weight loss

Week Stanozolol (Oral) Anavar  Clenbuterol
Week 1 60 mg daily 30 mg daily 140 mcg per day
Week 2 60 mg daily 30 mg daily 140 mcg per day
Week 3 60 mg daily 30 mg daily 140 mcg per day
Week4 60 mg daily 30 mg daily 140 mcg per day
Week 5 60 mg daily 140 mcg per day
Week 6 60 mg daily 140 mcg per day
Lean Mass Pack Euro-Pharmacies Winstrol-Clenbuterol Oral Steroids 10-Weeks

→ Winstrol stack cycle for lean mass

Week Stanozolol (Oral) Deca-Durabolin Dianabol
Week 1 100 mg daily 200 mg per week 40 mg daily
Week 2 100 mg daily 200 mg per week 50 mg daily
Week 3 100 mg daily 200 mg per week 60 mg daily
Week 4 100 mg daily 200 mg per week 70 mg daily
Week 5 100 mg daily 200 mg per week 80 mg daily
Week 6 100 mg daily 200 mg per week 80 mg daily
Week 7 100 mg daily 200 mg per week 70 mg daily
Week 8 100 mg daily 200 mg per week 60 mg daily
Week 9 100 mg daily 200 mg per week 50 mg daily
Week 10 100 mg daily 200 mg per week 40 mg daily

These three cycles are very effective and give incredible results in terms of various goals. It is essential to perform the PCT cycle after the Stanozolol cycle. The PCT cycle helps you start the reproduction of natural testosterone levels. You can use Clomid and Nolvadex.

→ Stanozolol post cycle therapy

Week Nolvadex Clomid
Week 11 1 tab (at the end of the day) 1 tab (at the end of the day)
Week 12 1 tab (at the end of the day) 1 tab (at the end of the day)
Week 13 1 tab (at the end of the day) 1 tab (at the end of the day)


Benefits of Stanozolol

Smart use of Stanozolol gives more effective results and gives you several benefits as below:

  • Improved anabolism in the body
  • Improved overall strength
  • Improvement and use of oxygen
  • Increased nitrogen retention
  • Maintenance of lean muscle mass
  • Increased collagen synthesis
  • Accelerating the recovery rate
  • Increased muscle leanness
  • No water retention
  • Safe for women
  • Improved overall performance
  • Decreased SHBG levels

If you stick to the recommended dosage, you will get all the benefits. It is essential to use protection and perform a PCT which will help you fight the various side effects.


A before after of a Winstrol cycle



Stanozolol (Winstrol) is one of the most effective steroids for weight loss and lean mass gain. When you follow the recommended dosage, you will get maximum results with minimum side effects. Stanozolol gives you effective and noticeable results in the very short term. Proper diet and workout are essential to achieve more effective results. Winstrol is available both under forms oral and injectable. Both men and women can use Stanozolol to improve their athletic performance. If you need professional advice to perform the Winstrol cycle, contact our experts without hesitation. coaching

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