The best clenbuterol on the anabolic market in 2024

What is Clenbuterol?

Clenbuterol, also known as Clen, is a medication prescribed for the treatment of respiratory disorders, and as thermogenic. Indeed, the Clenbuterol , which is also found under the name Ventipulmin, Dilaterol ou Spiropent, is also widely used in weight loss programsmaking him a longtime favorite of bodybuilders, for preparation for competitions. In addition to the most widely used oral variant, there is an injectable version of clenbuterol, less used, called "Helios".



What Benefits Can You Expect From Using Clenbuterol?

Clen works by stimulating the beta-2 receptor, which promotes better respiratory function. This same stimulation also acts on theimproved metabolic rate of the user.

Clenbuterol does not actively and directly burn fat. Rather, it stimulates the metabolism by increasing body temperature. This rise in temperature improves the metabolism, thus bringing the fat rate of the user to a better level.

Clenbuterol is a fat Burner very effective mails it does not automatically transform a fat physique into lean. A serious diet is always required for fat loss. If you don't follow a proper diet, you're not going to lose fat. You may then ask yourself why you should use Clen? Well, to stimulate what you are doing now, to do it better.

Clenbuterol dosages and cycles

In its role as a thermogenic product, the dosages of Clenbuterol begin to 40 mcg per day for men; while the female users should be administered an initial dosage of 20 mcg per day. As Clen is particularly addictive, you will need to increase the dosage to maintain consistent weight loss results.

The best way to administer Clen, adhering to the dosages mentioned above, is to follow one of the following three methods:

The rotation system at 2 weeks : it involves using Clen for two weeks and then stopping. And to repeat the same system, until the achievement of weight loss goals.

The continuous system : one might think that this system has no meaning insofar as the body gets used to the presence of Clen. However, this system works very well. Without increasing your dosage, Clen can keep the metabolism at a consistently high level for up to 5 weeks. Once this period has passed, you will need to increase the dosage every 2 or 3 weeks at a rate of 40 mcg per day, until you reach the weight loss goals.

The intermediate system or "In Between": this type of administration is ideal for those looking for more definition before the competition. It lasts between 4 and 6 weeks. Start your dosage at 40 mcg per day and increase the dose from time to time until you reach the maximum dose required. Then continue with this maximum dose for the last 7 to 14 days of your program. The level of efficiency of this dosing system is between that of the two previous methods. This type of use is the ideal method if you need to boost your metabolic rate only for a short time.

The important point that all Clen users should note is the use of a recovery (PCT - Post Cycle Therapy) after their cycle of this Anabolic Steroid powerful. Protection like Novaldex or Clomid will be enough to restore normal hormonal and chemical balance in your body.


The most common side effects of Clenbuterol

There are several possible side effects to the use of Clenbuterol; and they can be very pronounced. The most common are: nervousness, muscle cramps, hand tremor, increased sweating. These unwanted effects are generally very pronounced during the beginnings of using Clen; however, as you adjust to the product, their intensity will decrease.

Cramps are not very common: they mainly affect athletes due to their very intense and frequent training. However, a good hydration is enough in the majority of the cases to avoid this problem. Taking suppléments like taurine and / or magnesium with potassium is also of great help.


The best Clenbuterol brands / products on the market

After consulting the products on the market, with the help of customers and professionals (athletes, advisers, etc.), we found the 3 most reputable varieties / dealers of Clenbuterol available, which are as follows:

  •  Le Clenbuterol , an excellent product which, according to users, has boosted their protein synthesis, reduced the fat accumulated in their body and at the same time improved their general performance.



Make sure to buy your Clen, only from safe manufacturers online, those who, as mentioned earlier, comply with the following guidelines:

  • The site should haveGMP accreditation (Good Manufacturing Practice).
  • All products sold on the site must be fully traceable.
  • All the products sold on the site must have been tested for their concentration and purity.
  • Returns positive and legitimate from multiple users should appear on the site to strengthen the reputation of the manufacturer.

With all of these features in place, you can be sure you have a safe product from a dealer that is both efficient and reliable.


    1. Hello,

      What makes Clenbuterol unique is that it has a muscle protecting effect which allows the body to conserve muscle mass while it sheds fat.

  1. I am curious for those who have taken clen before, how did you find the results? I started taking clenbuterol two weeks ago

    The 1st week while on them I didn't lose any weight although my strength increased slightly.
    2nd week (this week) I haven't been on them and have lost 1 pounds so far, the strength has returned to normal and I feel a bit more muscular.
    Anyone else have results like this? and others could also share their results with clenbuterol?

  2. With the Clen, a good deal of my fat literally melted away. Clen is great aside from the cramps. But it is easy to make those bad cramps go away, take more potassium before the workout.

  3. For those who suffer from cramps during their Clenbuterol treatment, know that cramps are just the effects of dehydration. One must drink a sufficient quantity of water to make them disappear. We can also eat a banana before going to bed

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