How to cycle Anavar for a good result?

cycles ofAnavar for women and men are very popular in the bodybuilding world. It is one of the most popular and effective steroids for women. However, it is not the only steroid for women; male athletes can also gain a bodybuilding edge. It is a very popular anabolic steroid which can be used by professional powerlifters, bodybuilders, athletes and weight lifters.

THEanavar has great positive effects on strength gain, so it is widely used for:

  • strength gain
  • weight loss
  • the rapid elimination of fat

It is also beneficial for treating medical conditions such as burns, breast cancer, anemia, and many more. Additionally, the steroidal compound Anavar is effective for growing lean muscle mass during the weight loss cycle. It has weakened anabolic effects, so you won't be able to gain more muscle mass with the Anavar cycle.


I. What is the Anavar cycle?

The cycle ofanavar is the standard length of time that users can consume doses of Anavar based on their individual goals. People can perform two different Anavar cycles:

  • Anavar Alone Cycle: Anavar alone cycle takes the dose of Anavar alone.
  • Anavar Stack Cycle: You can combine an Anavar steroid with two or more other anabolic steroids.

The anavar cycle is often used for weight loss and strength gain purposes. It is an effective steroid cycle for novice and intermediate users. You can find top quality Anavar for sale on our site.

Important note : Anavar cycle alone is not effective for male athletes, so they usually go with stack cycles of Anavar.



II. Important Information About Anavar Steroid

Anavar steroid is an oral steroid so users do not need needles to consume it. You can buy oral anavar steroids from our site. However, Anavar is an expensive steroid compared to other steroids. So check its quality beforeacheter en ligne.

Usually the Anavar dosage can be taken with food or milk in order to avoid digestion issues in the body. You can take the dose of Anavar according to your individual needs, from one to four times a day. People can split the dose of Anavar between morning and evening. It has a shorter active half-life, so users need to take Anavar dosage daily to maintain its maximum effects.

→ Anavar Steroid Active Half-Life

It has a shorter active half-life of around eight to nine hours. It is therefore necessary to take its dosage once or twice a day.

→ Detection time

The detection time of the Anavar steroid is three to four weeks. Thus, users can feel the positive effects of the Anavar cycle within the first three or four weeks after administering it.


III. The recommended Anavar cycle for weight loss

cycles ofAnavar for bodybuilders and medical treatments are different. If you are using the Anavar steroid for medical purposes, you should consult your doctor and follow the recommended dosage and cycle length as per their prescription. Anavar cycles for bodybuilders differ according to individual needs and goals.

The standard Anavar cycle for bodybuilding is six to eight weeks, and users can complete it depending on their tolerance levels. Here are examples of the most effective Anavar cycles:

Anavar cycle only for weight loss (weight loss cycle):

Week Anavar Dosage for Men Anavar Dosage for Women
Week 1 20 mg daily 2.5 mg daily
Week 2 30 mg daily 5 mg daily
Week 3 40 mg daily 5 mg daily
Week 4 50 mg daily 10 mg daily
Week 5 60 mg daily 5 mg daily
Week 6 60 mg daily 15 mg daily
Week 7  50 mg daily 15 mg daily
Week 8 40 mg daily 10 mg daily

Anavar Weight Loss Cycle Stack:

Week Anavar Clenbuterol
Week 1 10 mg daily 20 mcg per day
Week 2 10 mg daily 40 mcg per day
Week 3 10 mg daily 40 mcg per day
Week 4 10 mg daily 60 mcg per day
Week 5 10 mg daily 60 mcg per day
Week 6 10 mg daily 60 mcg per day
Week 7 10 mg daily 80 mcg per day
Week 8 10 mg daily 80 mcg per day

Anavar Weight Loss Cycle:

Week Anavar Winstrol
Week 1 10 mg daily 20 mg daily
Week 2 10 mg daily 20 mg daily
Week 3 10 mg daily 25 mg daily
Week 4 25 mg daily 25 mg daily
Week 5 25 mg daily 25 mg daily
Week 6 25 mg daily 25 mg daily


Hilma Cut Pack - Anavar / Winstrol (6 weeks)


Anavar Weight Loss Cycle:

Week Anavar Primobolan depot Clenbuterol  
Week 1 10 mg daily N/A 20 mcg per day
Week 2 10 mg daily N/A 40 mcg per day
Week 3 10 mg daily N/A 40 mcg per day
Week 4 10 mg daily N/A 40 mcg per day
Week 5 10 mg daily 100 mg per week 60 mcg per day
Week 6 N/A 100 mg per week 60 mcg per day
Week 7 N/A 100 mg per week 60 mcg per day
Week 8 10 mg daily 100 per week 80 mcg per day
Week 9 10 mg daily N/A 80 mcg per day
Week 10 10 mg daily N/A 80 mcg per day
Week 11 10 mg daily N/A 100 mcg per day
Week 12 10 mg daily N/A 100mcg per day

Anavar Weight Loss Stack Cycle:

Week Anavar Primobolan depot Winstrol
Week 1 10 mg daily N/A N/A
Week 2 10 mg daily N/A N/A
Week 3 10 mg daily N/A N/A
Week 4 10 mg daily 100 mg per week N/A
Week 5 10 mg daily 100 mg per week N/A
Week 6 10 mg daily 100 mg per week N/A
Week 7 N/A 100 mg per week 10 mg daily
Week 8 N/A 100 mg per week 10 mg daily
Week 9 N/A 100 mg per week 10 mg daily
Week 10 N/A N/A 10 mg daily
Week 11 N/A N/A 10 mg daily
Week 12 N/A N/A 10 mg daily



IV. Anavar and Post Cycle Therapy

The PCT cycle of theAnavar for female athletes is simply not necessary because the female body automatically normalizes over time. Male athletes only need Post Cycle Therapy after Anavar cycle if they are using 80+mg per day or other heavy cycles. Anavar is a mild anabolic steroid, so it will not affect testosterone production in the body at lower doses. But a high dose of Anavar can affect natural testosterone production, so it is necessary to perform post cycle therapy.


The Anavar steroid is a derivative of DHT which is also known as Oxandrolone. It is a mild and safe anabolic steroid which can be widely used for different purposes. Both solo and stack anavar cycles are adequate for achieving bodybuilding goals.

Anavar stacks are toxic to the liver, so you should take liver supplements during the Anavar cycle. However, the Anavar steroid is mildly toxic to the liver compared to other oral steroids, but it is always better to take precautions to avoid unwanted side effects of the steroid.

Ask our professional experts if you have any other questions regarding the Anavar cycle.

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