All you need to know about the Recovery - PCT

After a steroid cure how to revive normal hormonal functioning? Discover the appropriate stimulus treatments and the good PCTs.


After a cure of anabolic steroids, it is essential to restore his HPTA (hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis) to normal. In simple language, this amounts to "weaning" your body from the excess hormone absorbed during your treatment. It is a Post Cycle Therapy or stimulus.

This allows you to keep your hormones in good working order but also to be able to maximize the conservation of gains after your treatment.


How does PCT work?


pct schemaHypothalamic neurons secrete GnRH * (Pituitary Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone), which activates the release of FSH * (Foliculo Stimulating Hormone) and LH * (Luteinizing Hormone) from the gonadotropic cells of the adenohypophysis *.

These two hormones, by acting on the Liedyg * cells present in the testes, help maintain a constant level of plasma testosterone concentration, and thus the male sexual characteristics.

During an anabolic steroid treatment, a hormonal surplus is brought to your body. It will therefore react safely by stopping this mechanism in an attempt to restore normal levels.

It is therefore important to "restart the machine" after the cure.

This is called Post Cycle Therapy or stimulus. The principle of the PCT, even if it can seem restrictive is however very simple and there are different protocols which will facilitate your recovery.


Using SERM

The most common protocol is the use of NOLVADEX and Clomid after the cure. These are two SERMs (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) complementary. SERMs work by attaching themselves to estrogen receptors, thereby inducing a signal to the body that will make it release sufficient FSH and LH. See our section on protections.



The most common protocols are:

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Week 1 1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
Week 2 1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
Week 3 1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex


Or in case of a big cure:

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Week 1 6 Clomid
2 Nolvadex
2 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
2 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
2 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
2 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
2 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
2 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
Week 2 2 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
2 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
2 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
2 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
2 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
Week 3 1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex


Another very widespread protocol in the United States:

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Week 1 6 Clomid 2 Clomid 2 Clomid 2 Clomid 2 Clomid 2 Clomid 2 Clomid
Week 2 2 Clomid 2 Clomid 2 Clomid 2 Clomid 2 Clomid 2 Clomid 2 Clomid
Week 3 1 Nolvadex 1 Nolvadex 1 Nolvadex 1 Nolvadex 1 Nolvadex 1 Nolvadex 1 Nolvadex
Week 4 1 Nolvadex 1 Nolvadex 1 Nolvadex 1 Nolvadex 1 Nolvadex 1 Nolvadex 1 Nolvadex
Week 5 1 Nolvadex 1 Nolvadex 1 Nolvadex 1 Nolvadex 1 Nolvadex 1 Nolvadex 1 Nolvadex

Gonadotropin HCG

Gonadotropin also called HCG is medically used as a fertilizer in women (helps ovulation) and in some young children as an aid in the descent of the testes. Athletes became interested in it from the moment they noticed that it was a hormonal stimulant that could be very useful after a cycle of anabolic steroids.

HCG artificially activates LH and maintains normal testosterone production.

However, it should be noted that, over the long term, an insensitivity of the testicles to HCG can be developed. This product should therefore be used with caution.

There are a multitude of protocols. From our point of view, HCG should only be used during the treatment to maintain normal natural production before starting PCT or taking it jointly with SERM in order to promote recovery. Using it alone for stimulus is not a good thing.

  • Use during the treatment: 250 IU every two days is sufficient.
  • Use during MDT: 5 IU per week in a single injection (In addition to the SERM protocol above for 000 weeks).


The perfect time to start your recovery

It is important to start recovery only after the steroids have finished working. It is therefore necessary to take into account the half-lives of the products in order to start the recovery protocol at the right time:

Product Product half-life
Androlic 24 hours
Dianabol 24 hours
Equipoise 21 days
Nandrolone 21 days
Primobolan 14 days
Testosterone suspension 24 hours
Sustanon 18 days
Testosterone Cypionate 18 days
Testosterone Enanthate 14 days
Testosterone Propionate 3 days
Trenbolone 3 days
Winstrol 24 hours


For example in the case of a Sustanon / Equipoise cure, you will start the recovery after 21 days.

You must take into account the longest half-life of the molecules used during the cure to know when to start your recovery.


Advice and tips

  • The addition of peptides, such as IGF1-LR3, GHRP-6 + CJC1295 combos can also prove to be very helpful for good PCT.
  • The use of vitamin E will also enhance the effect of HCG. The recommended dose is 1 IU / day.





  • Liedyg cells: present in the testicles, they produce 95% of testosterone and ensure the maintenance of male sexual characteristics.
  • Gonadotropic cells: Gonadotrophs are the cells in the anterior pituitary that produce the two gonadotropins, follistatins, luteinizing hormone.
  • Adenohypophysis: Endocrine part or anterior lobe of the pituitary.
  • GnRH: peptide hormone responsible for the synthesis and secretion of FSH and LH by the anterior pituitary gland.
  • LH: The luteinizing hormone (LH) also called in the male ICSH (Interstitial Cell Stimulating Hormone) is a hormone produced by the gonadotropic cells of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. It is one of two gonadotropins, the other being follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). LH deficiency leads to a lack of sex hormones.
  • FSH: Its secretion is stimulated by GnRH. It has a structure similar to that of LH, this hormone is essential for spermiogenesis.


  1. After a turinabol treatment, is clomid sufficient in pct or should clomid and nolvadex be combined as the first protocol?
    Knowing that turinabol is not very androgenic

  2. After a turinabol treatment, is clomid sufficient in pct or should clomid and nolvadex be combined as the first protocol?
    Knowing that turinabol is not very androgenic

  3. After a turinabol treatment, is clomid sufficient in pct or should clomid and nolvadex be combined as the first protocol?
    Knowing that turinabol is not very androgenic

  4. After a turinabol treatment, is clomid sufficient in pct or should clomid and nolvadex be combined as the first protocol?
    Knowing that turinabol is not very androgenic

  5. When we say start its recovery after the lifespan, If the lifespan is 21 days, should we start it on the 21st day, or on the 22nd?

    1. Hello,

      You can take it both on the 21st day and on the 22nd, because the half-life doesn't have anything really accurate. For example the half vacuum of Cypionate is between 6 and 8 days, that of propionate between 2 to 3 days.

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