PCT SARMs: The Most Effective Ways To Recover From Your Cycle

SARMs are effective supplements for gaining lean muscle mass, strength, and potency. It is one of the safest supplements compared to anabolic steroids. Many people are still confused about using post cycle therapy after cycles of SARMs. PCT is the common protocol that should be applied after a cycle of anabolic steroids and SARMs. It will help the users to recover from the cycle. In this article, we are going to discuss the best SARMs PCTs that help you recover from your cycle fast.


What is post cycle therapy?

Post Cycle Therapy is a protocol that usually takes place after a cycle of anabolic steroids or SARMs. A good cycle of PCT will give your body a break from the effects of SARMs or anabolic steroids. The main goal is to perform PCT after this supplementation cycle; this will correct the balance of testosterone in the human body.

A good PCT cycle will help the users to get rid of various negative side effects. This will start reproducing natural testosterone levels and return your body to its normal state as it was before.

How Important Are PCT SARMs?

SARMs supplements are popular in the bodybuilding and fitness world due to their effective results. The main advantage of these supplements is that they do not cause serious side effects like anabolic steroids. It is a useful supplement for gaining muscle mass, significant strength, and improving overall performance.

When users consume anabolic steroids or certain SARMs supplements, it can affect the natural production of testosterone levels. These compounds suppress or stop the production of hormones and cause various negative side effects. PCT from SARMs is the most effective way to maintain users' muscle gain and to combat various side effects of low testosterone.


When should I start the PCT?

The PCT cycle should be taken on the next day of your cycle. So when you use SARMs supplements at their last dose and the day after your last dose, you can start the PCT cycle with doses of Nolvadex or Clomid. The typical PCT cycle lasts four weeks.


What SARMs Supplements Require Post Cycle Therapy?

There are different types of SARMs supplements available in the market. Bodybuilders or athletes use SARMs for bodybuilding to improve their physical appearance and strength. They are also used to reduce body fat. Some SARMs are powerful, others are mild. Most selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) suppress testosterone levels.

This means that one should undergo post cycle therapy after the cycle of SARMs. Here are the most common SARMs supplements that require running the PCT cycle:

→ Ostarin (MK-2866)

Ostarine suppresses hormone production even if you use its lower doses. However, it is one of the milder supplements compared to the rest. The ideal PCT cycle is four weeks.

→ Ligandrol (LGD 4033)

It is one of the most potent SARMs products that provides significant changes in your body when users use it correctly. These supplements also suppress the user's testosterone level even with lower dosages, so users need to complete the PCT cycle four to six weeks after the LGD 4033 cycle.

→ Testolone (RAD 140)

It is an effective supplement for building significant muscle mass and strength, and it is often used for bulking cycles. RAD 140 is highly suppressive, and lower doses or even a short cycle of RAD 140 stops hormone production. It is therefore mandatory to perform the PCT after the RAD 140 cycle.

The PCT of SARMs is essential to achieve, but the main question is what supplements you can use to achieve the best PCT after the SARMs cycle. Let's check them out.

Best PCT SARMs Supplements

Here we will discuss the best PCT supplements that are widely used to perform PCT:

→ Nolvadex

Nolvadex is the brand name for tamoxifen. It is one of the common supplements that bodybuilders use to perform PCT. It is the mildest SERM drug and it is readily available in the market, and users can buy it without a prescription. Originally, it was developed to treat breast cancer and infertility.

Nolvadex binds to estrogen receptors and stops the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. This allows the body to restart the natural production of hormones. In general, these are referred to as estrogen blockers.

→ Clomide

Clomid is the brand name for clomiphene citrate. It binds to receptors that stimulate the production of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone). An increase in FSH leads to increased sperm production in men, while LH leads to increased testosterone production. Clomid is an effective drug which boosts the natural production of testosterone and returns your body to its normal state.

→ PCT rebirth

It's the third supplement that doesn't directly mess around with estrogen receptors, FSH, and LH. Rebirth PCT is an indirect means that attacks too much estrogen and produces enough hormones (testosterone) in the body. It is not as potent as other Nolvadex and Clomid, but sometimes it is the perfect choice when using the high dose of Ostarine.

Where to buy SARMs?

It is very easy to buy SARMs products online. All thanks to the Internet. Remember to always buy SARMs products online from a reputable website. Finding reliable resources is essential as many websites today sell fake products that affect your health and give no results, so do not buy these supplements.


Should I take more SARMs during my PCT cycle?

No, users can perform the PCT cycle only after completing the cycle of anabolic steroids or SARMs. The main purpose of performing PCT is to cycle to start reproducing hormonal levels.



PCT in SARMs is necessary because it increases hormone production. This is one of the most effective ways to achieve fast cycle recovery from SARMs. PCT SARMs help you maintain your gain. The ideal PCT cycle is four to six weeks. If you do not perform PCT after the SARMs cycle, you may experience unpleasant side effects. Clomid and Nolvadex, these two drugs, are widely used to perform MDT. A good PCT cycle helps you recover faster and maintain massive gains.

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