When athletes take drugs for a television report

8 top athletes who never touched the products lent themselves to the game for this experience. Enlightening results of these doping techniques.


Sports friends from France and other French-speaking countries, you certainly did not miss this report on France 2 for the program "Stade 2" and strongly relayed by media such as DH ou La Libre (Belgium), 20minutes (Switzerland) or by renowned newspapers such as L'Equipe in France.

If you missed it, don't panic, we suggest you watch it here at the end of this article. Here are the points to remember.


"We are changing planet, it's not human"


This sentence from Guillaume Antonietti, triathlon champion, perfectly sums up this report and the advantages of doping. The advantages are certain but above all the results are convincing. The figures on the increase in performance at the end of this study speak for themselves:

  • Stress test: + 6.1% on average
  • Against the clock + 5%
  • 31 seconds of improved time over 3.000 meters


"It's as if the 22nd world of this day went first" cinclude the voiceover of this report.


The report

8 high-level “clean” athletes who had never touched the products lent themselves to the game for this experience.

In total, 18 months were needed just to organize the experience with WADA and various sports authorities and federations.

The protocol was very simple and tried to demonstrate that micro-dosages (4 to 10 times lower than the usual protocols) would already bring incredible results and above all by being UNDETECTABLE.


This protocol only lasted 29 days, only a third of a complete protocol.

Our "guinea pig" sportsmen were injected with Growth Hormone (GH) deficiency and epo twice a week.

At the end of the protocol, a corticosteroid and autotransfusion the last day.


A test test took place before the experiment as well as the last day of it in order to have reliable and precise measurements.


"After 10 days I had gained 10 minutes on my usual 24km course (Guillaume Antonietti)"

And we can say that the result is edifying. With a protocol so short and dosages so low that they are undetectable, ALL of our athletes have greatly improved their performance!

After only 10 days, Guillaume Antonietti had already considerably improved his performance over 24km.

In an interview with the site 20min.fr he admits that he was greatly surprised by the incredible effects of these products.


“Those who run will understand: I did 4m 4.000 times in 16 ′, there I manage to do 3 times 3.000 in 12'20. I will never be able to reach this level of performance, even after my preparation. It is not possible. I feel better in my legs, breath much easier ”


What is most impressive is that during the duration of this experience, at no time were the participants tested positive for an anti-doping test.


No more doubt is therefore allowed on the effectiveness of this type of product as well as on the detection which is not as reliable as we think.

Do not hesitate to consult one of our specialists who will tailor your program and guide you to the best.

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