First Steroid Cycle: the Best Steroids For Beginners

Some athletes or bodybuilders use anabolic steroids to build muscle mass, maximize potential level, or increase endurance. For novice users, if you are looking to take steroids and start with a proper cycle, you need to learn what anabolic steroids are and how to consume them.

The steroids are the best way to get in shape, but by taking them you disrupt your body's natural mechanism, and this needs to be treated with special care. Before starting a steroid cycle, you should take advice from a workout expert or experienced user and learn about their benefits, side effects, and the right ways to use steroids and protect your health.

This article is useful for first-time users who want to boost their workouts with steroids. We will briefly introduce the best steroids and suitable dosages for beginner's first steroid cycle.


I. What are anabolic steroids?

The Anabolic Steroids are also known as anabolic-androgenic steroids or AAS. These are synthetic versions of the hormone testosterone found in the 1930s. In men, testosterone is the hormone that determines male sex characteristics such as muscle mass, facial hair, and sperm production.

Anabolic steroids help build muscle mass and increase your energy and endurance levels, which in turn increases the intensity of your workouts. Thanks to these effects, you can train for longer. This is why bodybuilders and athletes use anabolic steroids to improve their performance.

When it comes to professional sports or any other competition, anabolic steroids give athletes an edge over other competitors. Thanks to their increased performance, they can achieve their goals by winning the competition. You can consume these steroids in two ways: Orally and by injection. Injection of steroids Anabolic is safer than oral pills, but oral pills are simpler for beginners.

Examples of Oral Steroids and Injections

II. The best steroids to start with

You cannot predict how anabolic steroids work for you because these steroids affect different users depending on gender, genetics, or age. It is complicated for any beginner to start a steroid cycle and figure out which one is best for them.

We recommend that beginners get the best possible information about themselves and plan their cycle of steroids with care. With the detailed information, you can find out what is best for you. It also helps you get the most out of your workout and achieve the best results. Before starting a steroid cycle, it is a good idea to learn about them and always have a complete health check-up. We recommend that you only take steroid cycle if you are over 21 and seek the advice of a workout expert and experienced user.

# 1: Dianabol

Dianabol (Dbol) or Methandrostenolone is an ideal steroid for those who want to build muscle mass. When you take Dbol, it increases testosterone levels, which helps increase strength, and improves the metabolism process, which helps prevent muscle fatigue to do more workouts.

The best way to take Dianabol is to take it gradually or cycle. You will not feel its effects immediately, but after 2-3 weeks you will start to feel its effects. It is always recommended to perform post cycle therapy (PCT) at the end of the Dbol cycle; this will help you resume the natural production of testosterone.


Let's discover together the selection of Dianabol on Upsteroide

Benefits of Dianabol

Consuming Dianabol brings you several benefits like:

  • An Increase in muscle mass
  • Increased red blood cell count for longer workouts
  • Fat burning
  • Increased strength levels
  • Improved recovery rates
  • Increase in stamina

Side effects of Dianabol

If you take high dosage or don't follow recommended dosage of Dbol, it will be risky for you, and it gives unwanted side effects like below:

  • Liver damage : When you take Dianabol orally, it has a direct impact on your liver. It is essential to use a protection like SamaGen, to protect your liver. SamaGen promotes the renewal of your cells and heals damaged cells.


  • Water retention : Dbol causes great water retention. After the cycle, much of the mass gained is water, and it will quickly disappear. So you will not keep a lot of gains.


  • Gynecomastia : Tamoxifen is used in 80 to 90% of cases to stop the growth of gynecomastia. It is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM).


# 2: Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone)

Deca-Durabolin is also known as “Deca”; it is the brand name of Organon's version of the Nandrolone Decanoate compound. Deca-Durabolin does not produce androgenic or estrogenic side effects as it has a low rate of aromatization, around 20% of the testosterone level.



Let's take a look at the Deca-Durabolin selection



When you take Deca-Durabolin, it gives several benefits, especially for those who want to maintain a good physique. Let's see them:

  • Increased appetite
  • Improved endurance
  • Increased muscle growth
  • It is excellent for reducing mass
  • Increased mineral content of bones
  • Increased collagen synthesis

Side effects of Deca-Durabolin

Here are some common side effects that occur through Deca-Durabolin:

  • Water retention
  • It lowers the levels of natural testosterone (It is essential to perform a PCT, which helps to restart natural production).
  • It reduces the number of sperm
  • Toxic to the liver


# 3: testosterone enanthate

Some bodybuilders or athletes use this steroid in the form of testosterone. Additionally, it is the most widely prescribed testosterone compound to treat low testosterone levels or andropause.

Testosterone Enanthate is very effective in achieving muscle gains, increasing energy level, and improving strength. It can help with weight loss, and you can buy this anabolic steroid online at affordable prices.

One of the more common ester variants is Testosterone Enanthate. The basic variant of testosterone is modified by the ester, which orders the release of a hormone in the body. There are four ester variants: Testosterone Enanthate, Testosterone Cypionate, Testosterone Propionate, and Testosterone Suspension.


Let's find out about the different brands of testosterone enanthate

Benefits of testosterone enanthate

Testosterone acts directly on the muscles and causes changes in the size, shape, appearance and number of muscle fibers. Here are the several benefits that Testosterone Enanthate gives you:

  • It protects your hard earned muscles
  • It increases erythropoiesis (production of red blood cells)
  • It improves endurance and better oxygenation of the blood
  • It improves bone density
  • It helps to achieve better recovery after an intense workout.

Side effects of testosterone enanthate

Here are some side effects you might have if you take these steroids:

  • Aggressive nature
  • Abdominal pain
  • Anxiety
  • Depression and other mental and psychological problems


The first cycles recommended for steroid newbies

It is now fairly clear that the Anabolic Steroids have various side effects. It is therefore mandatory to follow the recommended dosage of steroids. If you take these steroids correctly or divide their dosage into a cycle, it can help you avoid their side effects.

This is the main reason why beginners should find the correct information about steroid cycles to avoid risks. Here we have covered the information on steroid cycles which will be useful for beginners.


III. What is a cycle?

As we said above, if you don't follow the recommended dosage of steroids, it will be risky for you. This creates unwanted side effects in your body. So, to avoid this, athletes and bodybuilders use this steroid in a cycle.

For the best results, you need to adhere to some strict rules that will spare you from various side effects. Usually the steroid cycle period is 4-8 weeks. Now we are going to describe the best steroid cycle for beginners that will maximize the effects of your workouts and reduce the intensity of their side effects.

# 1: Dianabol cycle

Dianabol gives great results when combined with other compounds. You can combine Dbol with other anabolic steroids such as testosterone and Deca-Durabolin. The recommended cycle for Dianabol is 4-8 weeks.

You can start Dianabol with a dose of 20 mg, which can be increased to 50 mg. You cannot use Dianabol for more than eight weeks. It will give visible results after 2 to 3 weeks. The standard cycle of use for beginners is one week; you can take a dose of 20mg, then from 2 to 6 weeks you can take a dose of 30mg.

Mass Gain Pack -Mactropin - DIANABOL 4 weeks

# 2: Deca-Durabolin cycle

Deca-durabolin works perfectly in a bulking cycle for 12 to 16 weeks. You can take doses of up to 600mg / week or 400mg / week for a 12-16 week weight loss cutting cycle. You also need to take medication to prevent fluid retention.

We recommend that you save testosterone and some antiprogestins while taking Deca-Durabolin. Deca-Durabolin combines well with Sustanon. Susta-Deca is the most popular stack for gaining muscle mass and improving strength.

Mass Gain Pack - Classic - Sustanon / Deca (Euro Pharmacies)

# 3: testosterone enanthate cycle

The testosterone dosage may vary depending on the experience level of the user and will vary each week. For beginners, it is advisable to take a dosage of 250-750 mg.

You can start a testosterone cycle with a dose of 250 mg, but if you use 500 mg at the start, that's fine, but the maximum limit is a dose of 750 mg; if you take a high dose then you will get side effects.

It would be best if you used a post-therapy cycle at the end of the cycle; this will help you resume the natural production of testosterone.

A-tech Labs Mass Gain Pack - Testosterone Enanthate

IV. What is post cycle therapy?

When you consume an anabolic steroid in your body, it suppresses the level of production of natural hormones. Post Cycle Therapy will help you resume natural testosterone production.

It helps maintain your muscle gains after a steroid cycle, and if your hormone levels drop, you should also do a PCT. PCT helps prevent various side effects of steroids and maintains the gains you made during the cycle. Clomid and Nolvadex are two drugs that can help you with your post cycle therapy.


V. Conclusion

You should never forget that steroids are always risky, but if you still want to use them; you should use them in an appropriate dosage cycle with care. We have given the details of the best bodybuilding steroids and the first steroid cycle for beginners.

Based on this information, you can decide which anabolic steroids are best for you to start with. We've provided the best possible information on this topic, and the rest is up to you.

You can buy Anabolic Steroids online at the best steroid trading sites for the best results. Before buying anabolic steroids, beware of counterfeit products. Various companies sell fake products for business scams. These products are not original; they waste your money and give you no results. For more advice, do not hesitate to contact our experts.

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