Masteron injectable steroids for weight loss

Masteron is an anabolic steroid used by bodybuilders and athletes to improve their physical appearance and performance. It was originally used as an anti-agent and in the treatment of breast cancer. It is used for weight gain and weight loss purposes, but more often it is used for weight loss cycles. Masteron has a great capacity to burn the most stubborn fat in your body. It also helps you achieve the harshest and driest look because this steroid does not contain any fluid retention. Masteron is an ideal steroid compound for competitive bodybuilders to maximize results in a cycle involving weight loss


I. What is Masteron?

Le Masteron is an anabolic steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT) with a slight chemical modification:

  1. Masteron Enanthate (Drostanolone Enanthate)
  2. Masteron Propionate (Drostanolone Propionate)

Both are compounds of Drostanolone with different esters attached. However, the ester itself does not affect the activity of the Masteron as it binds over time after you administer the steroid. Propionate is one of the most common forms of Masteron, and enanthate is more difficult to find. It has the advantages of less regular injections. Enanthate has a longer half-life. You can buy Masteron Injection here. Masteron Propionate has a half-life of approximately 2,5 days, and Enanthate has a half-life of approximately 10 days.


An extract from Masteron


II. What are the advantages of the Masteron?

Masteron is widely used for weight loss purposes by bodybuilders and athletes. Masteron does not have a great ability to build muscle mass, therefore this steroid is considered to be weaker than other steroids. But not all anabolic steroids are used for mass gain; some are good for performing the weight loss phase. The injectable Masteron steroid is not great for bodybuilding, but it gives great results in the weight loss phase. Here are the most common benefits of Masteron:

  • Hard and lean appearance
  • No water retention
  • Incredible in fat loss
  • Increase strength and energy
  • No aromatization
  • Improves general performance
  • Faster recovery rate
  • Prevents binding of SHBG


A before after result of a Masteron cycle


You will get all of the above benefits, but only if you stick to the recommended dosage and cycle length. Now let's take a look at the most recommended dosage for Masteron.


III. Masteron dosage information

Masteron for weight loss is very popular in the bodybuilding world. To get more effective results, you should follow the recommended dosage while following a diet appropriate and workouts. The dosage of Masteron depends on your experience level. So, here we are going to discuss the best recommended dosage for beginners, intermediate and advanced users. The best way to take Masteron dosage is with lower doses. This steroid is not intended for mass gain, but it will increase your muscle mass when you combine it with other anabolic steroids.

→ Beginner users : Beginner users can take 200 mg per week to improve their body. This dose is suitable for novice users who are using Masteron for the first time. You can increase these dosages up to 400 mg per week. These will help you look hard and lean and improve your physical performance as well.

→ Intermediate users : Intermediate users can take 400 mg per week. To get more effective results, you can combine it with other anabolic steroids. This dosage is considered a Masteron sweet spot used in any cycle (stacking cycle).

→ Advanced users : Masteron is generally not used for a solo cycle, and it cannot act as a primary anabolic steroid in any cycle. Advanced users can also stack the 400 mg dosage with other anabolic steroids.


IV. Masteron Dosage Information for Women

The users should take lower doses of Masteron as it can cause virilization symptoms in women. The ideal cycle for users is four to six weeks. You should avoid using Masteron for a long time or at a high dose, as it is not good for your health. Users can take 50 mg to 100 mg per week. You cannot exceed the limit of 100 mg per week.



V. Information on the Masteron cycle

Masteron's anabolic / androgenic ratio is 62:25. In general, bodybuilders and athletes use Masteron with other anabolic steroids to achieve more effective weight loss and mass gain cycles. Here are the best recommended Masteron cycles based on your level of experience.

→ Masteron cycle for beginner users

The ideal cycle for first-time users is 12 weeks. You can combine Masteron with testosterone enanthate.

Week Masteron Testosterone Enanthate
Week 1 400 mg per week 300-500 mg per week
Week 2 400 mg per week 300-500 mg per week
Week 3 400 mg per week 300-500 mg per week
Week 4 400 mg per week 300-500 mg per week
Week 5 400 mg per week 300-500 mg per week
Week 6 400 mg per week 300-500 mg per week
Week 7 400 mg per week 300-500 mg per week
Week 8 400 mg per week 300-500 mg per week
Week 9 400 mg per week 300-500 mg per week
Week 10 400 mg per week 300-500 mg per week
Week 11 400 mg per week 300-500 mg per week
Week12 400 mg per week 300-500 mg per week

→ Masteron cycle for intermediate users

Week Masteron Testosterone Propionate Anavar
Week 1 400 mg per week 100 mg per week 50 - 70 mg per day
Week 2 400 mg per week 100 mg per week 50 - 70 mg per day
Week 3 400 mg per week 100 mg per week 50 - 70 mg per day
Week 4 400 mg per week 100 mg per week 50 - 70 mg per day
Week 5 400 mg per week 100 mg per week 50 - 70 mg per day
Week 6 400 mg per week 100 mg per week 50 - 70 mg per day
Week 7 400 mg per week 100 mg per week 50 - 70 mg per day
Week 8 400 mg per week 100 mg per week 50 - 70 mg per day
Week 9 400 mg per week 100 mg per week 50 - 70 mg per day
Week 10 400 mg per week 100 mg per week 50 - 70 mg per day

→ Masteron cycle for advanced users

Week Masteron Testosterone Propionate Trenbolone Acetate
Week 1 400 mg per week 100 mg per week 400 mg per week
Week 2 400 mg per week 100 mg per week 400 mg per week
Week 3 400 mg per week 100 mg per week 400 mg per week
Week 4 400 mg per week 100 mg per week 400 mg per week
Week 5 400 mg per week 100 mg per week 400 mg per week
Week 6 400 mg per week 100 mg per week 400 mg per week
Week 7 400 mg per week 100 mg per week 400 mg per week
Week 8 400 mg per week 100 mg per week 400 mg per week
Week 9 400 mg per week 100 mg per week 400 mg per week
Week 10 400 mg per week 100 mg per week 400 mg per week

VI. Post-cycle Masteron therapy

It is mandatory to perform post cycle therapy at the end of the Masteron cycle as it suppresses the natural production of testosterone when you take Masteron. The various supplements such as Nolvadex, Clomid and HCG help you start to reproduce the natural level of testosterone. PCT helps you get your body back to its normal state. The ideal PCT cycle is four weeks.


VII. Where to buy Masteron?

You can buy Masteron online on our website. Keep in mind that there are many websites that sell legal steroid alternatives. In fact, there are no legal alternatives to steroids; these are just marketing scams. So don't go for cheap products.

Always buy Masteron from the most reputable sites like Upsteroid sells high quality steroid products that are sourced direct from major reputable labs.



Masteron is an anabolic steroid which is used for both bodybuilding and weight loss, but it is widely used for weight loss. Masteron's anabolic / androgenic ratio is quite low, it will not promote muscle mass growth, but when you combine it with the right anabolic steroids, it will give you the best results. Masteron has a strong binding to androgen receptors which have a great ability to lose your body fat along with the hardening of muscles. Please feel free to contact us without hesitation if you need any other advices from our professional bodybuilders.

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