The best Dianabol on the anabolic market in 2024

Dianabol is a modified testosterone derivative ; its chemical name is methandrostenolone. This product is available in both oral and injectable form; however, the oral form is usually used. It is one of the few anabolic steroids being designed (in 1958, by Ciba Pharmaceuticals) to precisely improve the sports performances. Its story proves that Dianabol was one of the favorite product in competitive bodybuilding, thus forming several bodybuilders having even reached the title of Mr. Olympia.



What Benefits Can You Expect From Using Dianabol?

Dianabol is one of the oldest and best types of ASA due to its positive effects and the fact that any user can use it without a large increase in the risk of adverse effects.

Generally speaking, Dianabol is used by athletes to build lean muscle and boost strength during workouts. These benefits are obtained thanks to its androgenic attributes.

The benefits and positive effects most seen with administration of Dianabol include, but are not limited to the following:

  • A gain of lean muscle mass very remarkable thanks to thesignificant nitrogen retention it allows.
  • High level and a particularly improved recovery times.
  • A stimulation of other anabolic steroids used.
  • A powerful effect on improving the use of glycogen, eliminating accumulated fat.
  • De better levels of physical strength.
  • A better assimilation of nutrients from food consumed by users.

But what makes this steroid a real "monster" is its ability to work very quickly and effectively: it is not uncommon to see users gain up to 10kg in a few weeks.


Dianabol dosages and cycles

There are well-known instructions for dosages and cycles. Like the cases of taking anabolic steroids, dosages are based on the user's personal tolerance level.

Users who have never used Dianabol before, should start with the minimum dosage to optimize their safety, first by determining their tolerance to the product.

Beginners will get great results using between 20 mg and 30 mg per day, during a 6 week cycle.












Intermediate users will need to take between 30 mg and 50 mg per day, for a period of 8 weeks.

Finally, advanced users should administer between 50 mg and 80 mg per day, for the same period.

There are several cases of users who have taken up to 100 mg per day, but at this level the risks of developing side effects are high.

It is also important to remember that Dianabol has a half-life 3 to 5 hours, thus making it well suited to the fractionation of the daily dosage corresponding to the level of experience of each. This will have the consequences of allowing the user to experience the maximum levels of Dianabol at any time.

The most common side effects of Dianabol

The unwanted effects of Dianabol can be very potent and require users to take the correct level of cycle support in order to prevent these side effects, or at least minimize them to the extent possible.

The user must then follow a recovery (PCT - Post Cycle Therapy) of Clomid andArimidex after the end of his Dianabol cycle for ensure that hormone production levels return to normal.

The following disorders can possibly occur in any user who goes on a Dianabol cycle:

  • Estrogenic disorders, including edema and gynecomastia
  • High levels of bad cholesterol (LDL)
  • Cardiovascular problems
  • High blood pressure
  • Mood changes
  • Development of skin problems like acne, oily skin
  • Hepatoxicity (toxicity of liver)

Aside from the protective administration against the appearance of unwanted effects of Dianabol, as mentioned above, you can easily combat these effects by taking the appropriate dosage according to your level of experience and your tolerance.


The best Dianabol products / brands on the market

As always, it is recommended to surf the internet and go in search of these manufacturers and products that are known to be reliable, pure and effective, both by experts and by consumers.

Some of the top manufacturers include:

  • Prime pharma, of which Methandienone represents the leading product in terms of purity, reliability, efficiency and results. This is our # 1 choice.
  • Dragon Pharma and their version of Dianabol which provides increased anabolic effects with a long half-life.
  • Dianabol de Hilma Biocare is an effective anabolic steroid with excellent effects on protein metabolism.



Each of these products and manufacturers mentioned above, especially those manufactured by Prime pharma will, without a doubt, provide you with the most effective help and allow you to achieve your goals in a safe manner.

You will only need to focus on your training program to achieve the best possible results!


  1. With 10 kg in a few weeks, and it's true. I am experiencing it now. This sports supplement really lives up to its reputation. For manufacturers, I did my own research on the web, they inspire me with confidence.

  2. I have seen lots and lots of Dianabol cycle stacking programs online and when I see someone asking about dianabol alone on forums, they are told outright that Dianabol treatment alone will not be effective. Why is that? What's wrong with a cycle of Dianabol alone, if only for a beginner, just to see how their body responds to steroids for the first time before committing to a heavy course?

    1. Hello,

      It will depend on your goals. If it's for a beginner's weight gain, dianabol alone is effective. But if your goal is to take lean mass, with Diana alone you will not hit your target because dianabol does water retention. You must combine it with winstrol or clenbuterol to make lean mass, or cycle with Turinabol, an excellent product for lean mass gain.

  3. The big problem with a Dbol cycle only, you will quickly lose your gains.
    Exception for performance athletes before competition for approximately 6 weeks.
    Again however, they will lose the winnings, but from there they may have won their competition,

  4. I have some one question folks.
    I have been around the forums and blogs talking about Bodybuilding and Steroids.
    Is Magnus Pharmaceuticals a good brand for Dianabol?
    Thank you for future responses.

    1. Hello,

      Magnus was a good brand, not just for dianabol.

      But will advise you the sure values ​​like: Myogen, Mactropin or Bioteq

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