The 3 best anti-estrogens on the anabolic market in 2024

What are antiestrogens?

The antiestrogens are taken by its users to prevent and / or minimize the effects of the estrogen hormone, in order to counter the side effects of Anabolic Steroids (androgenic) they are using or have used.

Examples of anti-estrogens include, but are not limited to: antagonistic hormones, aromatase inhibitors, estrogen and gonadotropin modulators.



What benefits can you expect from using antiestrogens?

The most common benefits that the user can expect from the administration of anti-estrogens include, but are not limited to:

  • Protection against water retention (subcutaneous)
  • Protection against developing symptoms of gynecomastia
  • Advanced recovery of testosterones endogenous user
  • Protection of the levels of Testosterone (existing)
  • A increased testosterone production
  • Soft yet effective protection against Gynecomastia
  • A decrease in blood pressure
  • Stimulation of testosterone synthesis
  • Protection against high levels of bad cholesterol (LDL)
  • Better nutrient absorption capacity
  • Better muscle building (since the user already has relatively low body fat and good muscle mass)
  • Suppressing estrogen levels, thereby solving estrogenic problems
  • Better ability to recover
  • An improvement in the potential of fat burn

All of the benefits mentioned above vary depending on the anti-estrogen used; however, most antiestrogens share almost all of them. The difference can be seen more in the level of effectiveness of each than in the appearance of these effects.


Antiestrogens dosages and cycles.

We will focus on a very general dosage and an example of a cycle; however, more specific indications may be provided depending on the type of anti-estrogen (clomid, novaldex, etc.) that the user is going to administer:

  • Dosage for beginner level: 50 mg per day
  • Dosage for the intermediate level: 100 mg per day
  • Dosage for advanced users: 150 mg per day
  • Dosage for women : 5 to 10 mg per day



The most common side effects of antiestrogens

Anti-estrogens have so many effects physical than psychological.

The physical side effects associated with use of anti-estrogen may possibly include the following: risk of blood clots, abdominal pain, muscle and joint pain, headache, nausea, hot flashes, fatigue, high blood pressure, acne, blood disorders bladder, weight gain, reactions at the injection site, swelling and difficulty in breathing.

The psychological side effects associated with anti-estrogen use include: insomnia, depression, anxiety, lethargy, and mood swings.
The other significant side effect is the possible decrease in estrogen levels of the user. This decrease in turn increases the risk of osteoporosis, which in turn increases the risk of bone fractures. The reduction in estrogen also has a significant effect on the lipid level in the user's body; and may also increase the risk of heart problems or cardiovascular disease.

The above mentioned side effects are actually quite rare and only represent eventualities. They can only occur if the user does not comply with the recommended dosages. For example, if a beginner takes the dosage recommended for an advanced user or if this user uses anti-estrogens for a longer period than that prescribed.

On the other hand, the regular user who administers this product following the recommendations, both in terms of dosages and duration of cycles, will only and always get only the spectacular benefits mentioned above.

The Best Anti-Estrogen Products/Brands on the Market:

  • Clomid
  • Nolvadex
  • Proviron

These products have been rated according to statistics from a significant number of satisfied customers and by numerous specialist testers / consultants. They represent the most effective, purest and safest antiestrogens on the market today.

They effectively protect the body and organs while increasing testosterone production, improving recovery after intensive training and the ability to absorb nutrients.



These products have been tested by their respective manufacturers, and they have, for the most part, been produced in accordance with the strict and vital instructions of the GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice).

This set of strict rules was created to regulate the standards of the human products industry. These rules have the same value as the laws and guarantee that any article produced in accordance with their recommendations allows the user to enjoy the maximum possible results, in complete safety.

What Users Expect: To focus solely on nutrition and training for their ultimate goal of achieving the physique they've always dreamed of.


  1. Are there any natural anti-estrogens? I read stuff somewhere like grape seed extracts or resveratrol. Any ideas on that?

  2. I don't really believe in these natural products. If they work, their effects will never be comparable to those of Nolvadex and company.
    So if you want to stay healthy, I think you should forget about “natural products” and take clomiphene or tamoxiphene straight away.

  3. I did not understand well? I am new to the supplement world, I usually take my daily vitamin, and two protein shakes a day.

    And now I take tribulus. I don't know the terms or anything. But I know I want to get stronger faster, not much bigger, strength is what matters to me.

    with Tribulus I wouldn't need a PCT supplement? An anti-estrogen? I really don't want man boobs, nor do I want to mess up my natural testosterone production. I want to be very careful.

  4. I would like to know what are the side effects of anti-estrogens? I understand that women take it after menopause to prevent arthritis or osteoporosis. What could be their effects on men? Thank you

    1. Hello,

      Women after menopause take estrogen-containing replacement therapy with the aim of preventing osteoporosis.

      As for anti-estrogens, they are indicated in hormone-sensitive cancer.

      The side effects of anti-estrogens are hot flashes and nausea, in both men and women. But for this to happen, you have to take doses much higher than that used in bodybuilding.

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