The best and most popular prohormones on the market in 2024

The prohormones are an alternative to steroids: to put it bluntly, they are somewhere between anabolic steroids and testosterone boosters. Acting as precursors to hormones and steroids, they therefore contain the elements necessary for the user's body to create the same effects as steroids. In the context of bodybuilding, they are precursors to testosterone itself.


They are therefore of paramount importance in theincreased testosterone levels and allow to promote a maximum of potential mass gains. The use of these substances is also the source of significant gains in terms of size, physical strength, and endurance increase - which is greatly appreciated by athletes who wish to train as much as possible.

In terms of side effects, prohormones usually have much more moderate effects compared to those that appear during the use of any steroid - of course, the lower the risks, the lower the benefits in terms of muscle mass.

However, the results obtained from prohormones are in no way to be underestimated because they determine the lean muscle growth as well as strength.

But the prohormones are similar to steroids in terms of negative side effects as they can impact your endogenous (natural) testosterone production, for example. As with a steroid cycle, you will have to undergo Post Cycle Therapy or PCT. We will cover the previous aspects later in this article.

You should also know that the use of prohormones puts a heavy strain on your liver - therefore, it is strongly advised not to touch alcoholic beverages. Alcohol prevents protein synthesis, which by extension negates the expected benefits of prohormones. A real contradiction.

Prohormones are not to be taken lightly. These are drugs that produce very good results, but which can cause physiological damage. So take the necessary precautions for safe use. All you need is to take adequate protection for your liver during your cycle. Put your choice on good products like Samarin; this product has shown great results in protecting the liver, which is exactly what you are looking for.

Negative side effects of prohormones

Here is a non-exhaustive list of negative side effects observed by prohormone users:

  • Dizziness
  • nausea
  • Headaches
  • Hair loss
  • Breast augmentation
  • Liver damage
  • Enlarged prostate

As mentioned briefly in the previous paragraphs, prohormones can be toxic to the liver (hepatotoxic) and therefore seriously damage it. However, as we mentioned, you just need to integrate the prohormones into a properly structured cycle (for a period of approximately one month) followed by an off-cycle period of 6 weeks before resume a new cycle. All this obviously following a PCT or post cycle therapy so that everything goes smoothly.

Benefits and advantages of prohormones

On the other hand, prohormones have many benefits that go hand in hand with advantages compared to taking anabolic steroids. These benefits include but are not limited to:

  • A increased libido
  • A drastic growth whether in terms of muscles or physical strength
  • A much faster recovery
  • Personalized improved sports performance
  • Personalized muscle gains faster
  • A improved endurance
  • Un recovery time that is shorter post workout
  • Lowering voice tone
  • Sublingual administration (under the tongue), ideal for those who are not fond of injections

Prohormones offer benefits and benefits that often make them the ideal choice for bodybuilders sacrificing ultra fast results in terms of muscle mass gains for a slower but generally much safer method.

The best prohormones available on the market

We meticulously reviewed the products available in this particular segment of the market and came across a range of prohormones by Nutrition : their products, which have been tested and are highly prized by both professional athletes and fitness consultants, are absolutely amazing. But it is not surprising to know that this company specializes in the production of prohormones strictly following the guidelines of Good Manufacturing Practices, which have been implemented to guarantee consumers safe, pure and effective.
In the end, you get the best quality at very reasonable prices - if quality is important to you, your choice should be made on these state-of-the-art products.
Our selection from their wide range is limited to the following exceptional products:


Boost your vascularity and achieve high quality lean muscle mass gains while minimizing water retention as much as possible. We are talking about an extremely high anabolic and androgenic ratio which results in a solid gain of lean and hard mass without any risk of aromatization. It also constitutes a very effective fat burner.


Knowing that cortisol decreases your general muscle mass and increases the storage of body fat, this prohormone adrenosterone is actually a cortisol inhibitor very effective. This means that taking it will allow you to preserve your muscle gains and at the same time reduce the accumulation of fat in your body - the perfect solution for all athletes and bodybuilders.


This prohormone basically has the same effects as Trenbolone, which are promote mass. It attracts many fans.


This prohormone, popularly known as Ment, has built a solid reputation in recent years as a high-potential steroid.


Keep in mind that you absolutely must follow appropriate post cycle or PCT in order to counter the side effects of prohormones. For example, try COMPLEX PCT, a highly effective complex post cycle therapy produced by Nutrition. It is a powerful aromatase inhibitor, which helps to increase the natural levels of testosterone in the body.
Combined with one of the two variants of prohormones mentioned above, it will guarantee the physique you want while effectively protecting your health through the rehabilitation of natural testosterone levels in your body.

We wish you a good workout, a good diet as well as a good supplementation: this formula is the best to allow you to become the best version of yourself in a safe and effective way.


  1. I have had very good results with the pro-hormones of methyl masterdrol. The definition was great and I was able to add lean mass and keep the strength gains. M-Sten is one of the best pro-hormones I have tried.

  2. Tobacco is still legal, but you can't buy steroids for fitness, it's utter hypocrisy especially for Europe and especially France which has quite a few steroid users in all kinds of sports as well. amateurs than professional.

    1. Hello,
      Even though pro-hormones are relatively “safe”, it is better if you wait a little longer (ie until your 21 years old at the earliest).
      At your age, your body will react very well without products. This is the time when testosterone production is highest so you don't need anabolics.

  3. I'm 50 years old and I started taking pro-hormones a few years ago to try and regain my lost strength over the years.

    My 4 cycles were all ok. The only side effect I experienced was prostate enlargement with the first two cycles but this quickly returned to normal after a few days.

    On these cycles I gained a lot of strength, but injured my right shoulder lifting it too heavily on the last one, and it took 8 months to heal.
    My 4th cycle of MSten was really clean and I didn't experience any negative effects.
    So yes, the cycles were worth it. They have been a good learning experience. However, my doctor has not seen fit to take hormones for the damage they can cause to your body, but I believe he is not worried.

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