The place of women in modern bodybuilding

Women and Body Fitness.

It is certain that for years, body-building has been a sport reserved for men. Whether it's Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lou Ferrigno or Sylvester Stallone, cinema has contributed for years to give no place to women in the world of bodybuilding. It was not until the 70s that we began to see the first exhibitions of bodybuilders. The dean is Ernestine Shepherd.

However, the body of a woman not being that of a man, the aesthetic research of the body in female body-building knows several styles and in particular an interest in weight loss.

If at first women tried to imitate men by doing a muscle mass gain and making exhibitions in parallel. Today, they tend to make IFBB bikini exhibitions professionally. Their relationship to bodybuilding tends to be a lot more aesthetically feminine.

Weight loss or weight gain program?

Bodyfitness and IFBB bikini enthusiasts are far from being like the first bodybuilders. Whether by substances like Clenbuterol , Reductil ou Anavar, they would tend to strive to lose as much fat as possible very quickly even totally lean to benefit from the appearance of a typical body of today's IFBB bikini model.
Even if in Bodyfitness, there are still many women who are looking for a volume development of their arms in the old school style of body-building of the last decades, the fashion of the ifbb bikini claims rather voluptuous and well-muscled legs and buttocks with a very flat stomach as well as well muscled arms but without too much volume.

It is a plastic research that varies between the lower body of a bodybuilder and the top of an athlete in gymnastics. It goes without saying that there is therefore a very specific interest for these women in the search for weight loss too.

Women and doping

Several scandals relating to women and doping have erupted in the last 20 years concerning sportswomen. There are still many people who are convinced that it is not so easy to recognize a person taking drugs or not. However, just take a quick look at the layout of the muscles, arms and legs, a belly with muscular designs too similar to a male abdominal musculature, even after hours of strength training. The widening of the neck and sometimes the maturation of a voice becoming male are also clues.
Cases like that of the American Marion Jones, where the Brazilian swimmer Rebeca Gusmao for the most recent as well as others like Griffith Joyner or Barbara Krause are all athletes who have been tested positively for doping products. The bodily improvements more than obvious then at the time, no longer deceive anyone today.

Muscle volume with visible veins, performance, all this is part of the panel of all extreme athletes today. Even if their results can be judged as cheating, it goes without saying that there is a blatant fact of the effectiveness of these products on athletic performance as well as on the muscular improvement of the body. It therefore seems obvious that for the bodybuilders and IFBB bikini enthusiasts that it is more than necessary for them to inject themselves with different doping products and a few hormones to benefit from the same results for gain in body aesthetics.

IFBB - Bikini Fitness

The international body-building and fitness federation has its own website, www where it is possible to find all the information concerning international tournaments as well as the standards and codes to be respected. There are also hundreds of videos giving multiple tips and advice for bikini fitness enthusiasts. Whether for the weight loss or mass gain, there are only tips for different diet recipes or for lifting cast iron.

You have to go on other specialized websites in the sale of doping products for know what it pays to use to sculpt your body.
You have to know how to juggle products like Winstrol , Clenbuterol and Anavar among others for rapid loss of female fat, only to know the interest of a product like Sibutramine (Reductil) as an appetite suppressant. One of the first difficulties being to restrict oneself from eating and to fight against hunger. The most critical periods are always a few days before the cups or tournaments.

The cult of the beautiful body, the bikini fitness

In view of today's competitions, women no longer have to envy men for body-building or IFBB tournaments. All over the world, this fashion containing a variant of bodybuilding and sex fitness attracts many followers to try it out.

The cult of the body by sculpting it on a very precise model of aesthetics in vogue means that the demand for taking steroids as well as their improvements is perhaps only in its infancy. It remains to be hoped to find the magic pill offering the desired improvements without too many side effects.

The IFBB remaining in the field of exhibition, even if there is competition in the body of bodybuilders, we can also say that there is competition at laboratory level each of which offers their own hormone molecule. The intelligence and veracity of the products will remain a necessity for this sport to continue.


The revenge for women in terms of body building is still in its infancy. The bikini fitness is certainly a fashion that will last quite a long time. The diversity of competitions and styles will certainly restore the coat of arms to the female gender as regards the evolution of the exhibition of muscular and shapely bodies as desired. The future is open to the daring who want find cycles who will offer them a beautiful muscular body which remains sexy.

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