HGH stack dosage: How to use it?

When it comes to achieving bodybuilding goals, anabolic steroids are the first supplements that come to people's minds. However, the correct use of anabolic steroids offers countless bodybuilding benefits. There are other substances like anabolic steroids available in the market which also help in achieving the desired bodybuilding goals.

One of them is thehuman growth hormone or HGH. This is a hormone that is naturally produced by the body. It stimulates the growth, reproduction and regeneration of cells in the body, which is also known as Somatropin. HGH is responsible for further development and includes the stimulation of insulin-like growth factor-1.

It is one of the most effective supplements for bodybuilders which helps them achieve their desired weight or fat loss goals with quick recovery. To get maximum performance from HGH, keep reading for more information, including HGH dosage, benefits, and other important details.


I. Description of HGH

The full form of HGH is human growth hormone. It is highly desirable to use it as an exogenous steroid in athletes and bodybuilders, just like testosterone. HGH is different from testosterone and other steroids you may have used. Note that HGH is not an anabolic steroid, but rather is known as a peptide hormone.

Original HGH is an identical synthetic version of HGH that is naturally produced in the human body. It is a unique substance that is used in the steroid cycle. It is a powerful addition to any steroid cycle as it can significantly enhance the effects of steroids. To buy an HGH injection with the best brands, go to our site.



II. Why should you use HGH?

Bodybuilders and professional athletes use the HGH because it provides a wider range of benefits than you typically won't find with any anabolic steroid. HGH is a very valuable addition to any type of steroid cycle. HGH can extend the improvement in your physique, including skin, sleep, mood, recovery, bones and joints.

Additionally, HGH is not a male hormone, which means female users can also use HGH like men. The main advantage of using these supplements is that they do not cause harsh potential side effects like anabolic steroids. Here are some specific benefits of HGH:

  • A quick recovery
  • greater strength
  • Improved joints, bones and tendons
  • More energy
  • Reduction of body fat
  • Useful for weight loss
  • Promoting the growth of lean muscle mass
  • Improved metabolic rate
  • Provides a hard and firm physique
  • Improved skin health
  • Better sleep
  • Provides a general sense of well-being

If you also want to achieve the weight loss goal without affecting your health, order HGH injection online now.


III. What are the recommended doses of HGH?

In general, HGH is designed for medical use. Thus, the HGH dosage range depends on individual needs. The normal dosage range is between 10 IU and 30 IU per day. The maximum dosage should be 40 IU per day. However, this assay is used in very rare circumstances.

If you exceed the limit of a high dose, it will increase the risk of different health problems. Thus, lower doses are always recommended to users. The good news is that HGH provides very effective results even at a very low dose.

If you are an advanced user, you can increase the dose slightly more than beginners, but keep in mind the different health risks. Most people take HGH doses based on their experience level.

For example, novice or beginner users can take 20 IU to 40 IU every day to get great physical benefits. Intermediate users can take 40 IU, and more advanced users can take 80 IU per day. HGH is widely used by advanced level users. As a beginner, you should always take lower doses to lessen its many side effects.

HGH contributes to the growth of lean muscle mass and a rapid rate of recovery, while reducing unwanted body fat. If a person needs extremely high muscle mass growth, then you should combine it with anabolic steroids and take 8IU daily. Note that HGH is not meant for rapid growth; therefore, it is not often used for this primary purpose.

Users can take 10 IU or 20 IU daily; they will get great benefits from it and have none of the virilizing effects that most women face during anabolic steroid cycles. These lower doses are effective in achieving better results with few side effects.




IV. HGH Cycle Stack and Information

The HGH cycle is the most effective for achieving targeted weight loss goals. It will bring maximum effects with great consideration and few side effects. Note that HGH is not a fast acting substance. It will not provide instant results; people have to use longer cycles to get various benefits. An HGH cycle of less than eight weeks is not optimal for obtaining sufficient positive results.

HGH cycle for beginners:

  • Cycle length: 16 weeks
  • HGH dose: 10 to 15 IU every day
  • Testosterone dose: 400mg every week

HGH cycle for intermediate users:

  • Cycle length: 24 weeks
  • HGH dose: 40-60 IU every day for 16 weeks
  • Dosage of Testosterone Enanthate/Cypionate: 400mg every week.

HGH cycle for intermediate users:

  • Cycle length: 24 weeks
  • HGH dose: 60 IU daily
  • Testosterone Enanthate/Cypionate dose: 100mg every week
  • Trenbolone dose: 400mg every week
  • Anavar dose: 80mg every day for the last 8 weeks
  • Cytomel T3 dose: 75 mcg each day

This is a very common method of combining the HGH with other anabolic steroids. It works really well as complementary compounds in different cycles mentioned. Also, HGH has great synergy with most anabolic steroids which allows us to get the most out of these two compounds.

HGH is not a great muscle mass builder, but it can greatly add lean muscle growth and elevate muscle building effects when you combine it with other anabolic steroid compounds. It is usually combined with Anavar, testosterone, Cytomel T3 and Trenbolone.

The PCT protocol is used after a cycle of steroids to restore natural testosterone production but here HGH has no impact on testosterone so PCT is not necessary if you are using HGH alone. However, most people choose to combine it with other steroid users to undertake PCT as needed. It is an effective solution to boost testosterone function again after going through a steroid cycle.


V. Is HGH safer than anabolic steroids?

The use of growth hormone is not completely safe because long-term use and overdose of growth hormone can also cause different side effects. However, the possible side effects are less risky than anabolic steroids. Note that this only applies when taking a low or moderate dose of HGH. You don't have to use HGH constantly. It is advisable to contact your personal physician or GP before taking HGH.

In general, HGH is a well-tolerated and safe compound, and it is a hormone that is naturally produced in both men and women. This makes it a suitable and effective substance for both, unlike anabolic steroids. Female users cannot use all anabolic steroids as most of them cause strong virilization and masculinization effects.




HGH is an effective and relatively safe substance that is used for medical purposes or to improve the physique. It is a well tolerated substance and not an anabolic steroid, so both men and women can use this substance to achieve their weight loss cycle goals. It is a great addition to any steroid cycle.

HGH does not impact testosterone production, so PCT is not necessary. Be sure to use a lower or moderate dose as recommended; this will help you lessen the possible side effects of this substance. Random HGH use can impact your bone health, increase diabetes, cause hypogonadism, joint pain, numbness in hands and feet and many more.

For free HGH cycle advice, seek help from a bodybuilding expert.

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