Doping in combat sport

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Hgh, Hcg, Anavar, Winstrol… and MMA

HGH, HCG, Anavar, Winstrol… all these names are becoming more and more known in the world of combat sport. It has even become very easy to associate them with any type of sport requiring extreme efforts or a significant increase in muscle. If it is no longer rare to talk about it, it is quite simply because the laws from country to country are different as regards the designation of doping in this style of sport. Obviously, in this case we will talk about the UFC. The other combat sports are still very closely monitored and tolerance with regard to taking substances is not yet admitted.
Obviously if we talk about combat sport we are talking about strength and endurance sport. It is then more than necessary for all athletes who have chosen to accomplish themselves in this style of sport, to arm themselves adequately, so as to gain mass, weight, endurance and even speed of healing in the event of serious injuries. It is therefore necessary to find the best formula to be able to transform into an anvil and shield at the same time. Nature gives a lot but giving it a little help today can make a big difference. Injections testosterone or hgh come into play for this purpose.

The desired effect of steroids

A combat sports fan also known as MMA knows that he will have to go through endless hours of training. During these, whatever combat techniques he learns, he must to face each time at limits of his body. It is from this moment that it will be important for him to find a palliative for increase muscle size and endurance thanks to the hgh for example, or its strength thanks to theAnavar among others. There will also be other areas to improve such as water retention and muscle flexibility as well as breath. All performance and body improvements of the athlete can be improved by injecting testosterone and other doping products.

There are a large number of products that can be found for purchase quite easily today to improve targeted points. It is enough to know them well and to find the right dosages to arrive at better performance. Like for example Somatropin, endowed with powers to give muscle mass and to melt excess fat fairly easily.

Clenbuterol is an anabolic that combat sport athletes use to replace hormonal anabolics. It is an excellent fat burner.

Winstrol is a synthesized anabolic steroid which is also a derivative of DHT. It owes its reputation to the athlete Ben Johnson who tested positive by taking this steroid. This steroid also has the same properties of increasing muscle mass but also that ofimprove blood cells and thus oxygenation. It is often the case that Winstrol is used on animals, such as horses for example. The fact that it does not cause water retention makes the gained muscle mass real and lasting.

Anavar As for it is a steroid which it is strongly recommended to associate with Winstrol or Trenbolone. This product is a lot more beneficial when used in combination.

The dosage of different steroids for combat sport

It is very interesting to know the right dosages steroids as well as anabolics to transform his body in order to provide the elements so that they can give the best possible performance.
- Anavar is recommended between 50 mg and 100 mg per day for pugilists. It should however be noted that it is a mixed product which must be combined with Winstrol and / or Trenbolone. 6 to 8 weeks of injections is one of the best times to get good results,

- Trenbolone combined with a growth hormone is certainly the best product recognized on the market in terms of performance. 100 mg every 2 days for 8 to 12 weeks. It is possible to increase the dose to 200 mg every other day for an eight week period. For an advanced cycle as for competitions for example, it is recommended to start at 2 mg every other day.

- Winstrol, a dose of 50 mg every day for a period of 6-8 weeks and as needed to absorb the best performance of this product. It is recommended not to go beyond it because it has some toxicity on the liver and to use it with the right protections.

- Testosterone propionate 50 mg daily for six weeks to improve athlete performance. For a real anabolic effect, the rates are in the 100 mg per day or even 150 mg. There will be harmful side effects to avoid.
- Fluoximesterone, strongly androgenic, is mainly used to gain strength quickly. 20 mg to 30 mg per day for 4 to 8 weeks without exceeding this limit. It is a product to be taken with caution.
- The EPO which, via an increase in hematocrites will bring a endurance increase.
- Ephedrine which by its stimulating effect, will bring an aggressiveness and an incredible level of leannness.



Le combat sport is a demanding sport strength and endurance. This requires combining training but also knowing the best elements to gain mass and strength. You have to know how to combine between highly androgenic products and those providing appropriate muscle improvement. The dosages must be studied for each athlete depending on the objectives to be achieved. Cycle advice are therefore particularly recommended to meet a specific and personalized need. If you are passionate about and adepts of combat sports, share with us, below, your experiences with the products you have already used or ask us your questions!

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