How to recover correctly after training?

No matter how hard you workout, you will certainly have heard that it is important to do some cool down. It is indeed as important as the training itself, as long as it is done the right way! So here are some tips, exercises and benefits of recovery exercises.


Why is it important to take a few minutes to cool down?

Before we look together at ways to recover from a workout, you should know that recovery from training is beneficial for your body. It will help prevent dizziness in particular, which may be more or less present depending on the intensity of your session.

An effortIn particular, intense physical activity will cause blood vessels to dilate which could cause dizziness, nausea, muscle stiffness and even fainting as the blood flow increases in the legs, slowing the heart rate.

The benefits of recovery exercises are numerous. They will help you calm your body and return to a state of comfort, reduce the risk of injury, and gradually bring your heart rate down to around 100-120 beats per minute and return to normal blood pressure. The benefit is not only physical, but also mental as it will calm your mind and relax you.

A training program should always include a post-training phase of at least 3 to 10 minutes in order to allow better repair of the muscles and tissues that start to break down once the session is over. That you made a marathon, CrossFit, zumba, muscles work and tire.

If you're in a rush, just take a few minutes to stretch! And if you have a little more time after a run or cardio session for example, take the opportunity to do your recovery in 2 phases. The first will be to slow down more and more movements and pace for 5-10 minutes in order to gradually and smoothly return to a normal state, and the second will be to perform stretching and relaxation exercises.

How to recover correctly?

Now that we've seen what it can do for you, here are ways to recover after a workout and other tips you can perform during your recovery phase.

# 1: stretching exercises

The ideal would be to take 15-20 seconds to stretch each group of muscles while hot, in other words just after your workout in order to avoid possible injuries. Yoga positions are obviously recommended to release physical and mental tension and improve your flexibility.

Gently stretch the muscles that have worked the most. If your session consisted primarily of strengthening the biceps and triceps, then your recovery phase should include stretching exercises for these muscles.

For example in yoga, stretching from the knee to the chest will allow you to relax the hamstrings, the glutes, as well as the lower back. The forward bend is also a very simple movement but really beneficial if you work your back a lot and need to lengthen your spine.

There are a number of yoga styles and positions you can explore to find what works best for your workouts and the muscles you have used the most. The advantage of yoga and these stretching exercises is that they can be suitable for all levels and all ages, go at your own pace!


# 2: relaxation exercises

As mentioned earlier, it is important to calm your breathing after a workout. When the breath is deeper and faster, you burn more calories, so when the effort is over, try to get your heart rate back to normal, take deep breaths, then your body will gradually start to cool down. Breathing exercises may seem trivial, but they have as many benefits on the body as on the mind.

To accompany and amplify this moment of relaxation, you can even finish by lying down for a minute while relaxing all your muscles. Don't think about anything, focus only on your breathing, on the well-being that this session gives you, the feeling of accomplishment, recharge your energy for a few moments ... You will see, this will re-motivate you for the next training session !


# 3: instant massage

Indeed, many studies have proven the benefit of post-workout massages and the fact that they can accelerate muscle recovery in particular. If you are doing this alone, make sure your muscles are still aligned.

What you can do, apart from classic massages, would be, for example, take a foam roller and use your weight body to roll it along your back, legs and neck. Be careful, however, not to go too hard or too deeply because this could then have the desired opposite effect and damage the muscles you have just worked!


# 4: hydration

We cannot say it enough, but good hydration is essential when playing sports. You know that the body is mainly composed of water, and with each movement, our body loses some, and we sweat even more when we make a physical effort! So before, during and after your workout, remember to hydrate yourself on a regular basis.

This will notably help you reduce the risk of muscle pain and cramps. Some also like to take a protein shake 15 to 30 minutes after a workout because that's when your metabolism is most optimal for your muscles to absorb nutrients. But for the majority of you, water and possibly a fruit or a protein snack will be enough to regain some energy!

# 5: the shower and the cold

We do not take enough time to take a shower immediately after a workout when in a hurry, but a shower will allow you to eliminate toxins and prevent the proliferation of bacteria ... Be careful, however, to the temperature of the body. water so as not to cause thermal shock, so cool your body gently!

For the biggest athletes, you may also be interested in cryotherapy or alternating between hot and cold baths, which is gaining more and more popularity to facilitate recovery.


However, recovery does not stop once you step outside the gym ... To ensure that the benefits of recovery exercises last, try to stay relaxed as much as possible, avoid the stress that would contract again some muscles and above all enjoy a good night's sleep!

As you will have understood, this recovery phase after a workout is important, do not neglect it, take your time and listen to what your body and your mind need!


  1. Recovery is just as important as the training itself. I know a lot of guys who hurt themselves stupidly like that, always pushing pushing without knowing when to stop

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