BPC 157: Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage Plan and More

Bodybuilders, both men and women, are known to include BPC 157 in their supplementation during their training program. But not everyone in the bodybuilding community is aware of the therapeutic benefits of BPC 157.

In this article, you will learn what BPC 157 peptide is and how it can benefit your bodybuilding efforts. You'll also learn about possible side effects you should watch out for, and we'll recommend a BPC 157 dosage plan for you to start today.


What is BPC 157?

BPC 157 is classified as a peptide with sound properties that can actively protect a person's gastrointestinal tract. BPC 157 is therefore found naturally in your gastric juice and this peptide contains up to 15 amino acids that help promote rapid healing and relief from several gastrointestinal health problems including ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS) and Crohn's disease.

BPC 157 is available as an oral or injectable healing agent that bodybuilders can use to promote rapid healing of muscle and bone injuries during their bodybuilding or weight loss programs.



Benefits of the BPC 157 peptide for mass gain

There are many reasons why you should use BPC 157. For starters, BPC 157 peptide can help combat the damaging effects of inflammation while benefiting the central nervous system (CNS), skeletal muscles, and bone structure.

While there are certainly a myriad of bodybuilding benefits you can gain from using BPC 157, here are some of the main BPC 157 peptide benefits you can expect:

#1. BPC 157 promotes rapid healing

BPC 157 is known to promote rapid healing of bone and muscle injuries sustained during weight training. With as many as 15 amino acids, BPC 157 peptide stimulates nitrogen retention and protein synthesis to promote rapid healing of damaged muscle tissue, cartilage, ligaments, tendons and bone tissue. BPC 157 can also help reduce the presence of scar tissue from cuts and abrasions.

#2. BPC 157 promotes angiogenesis

BPC 157 is known to promote angiogenesis, that is, the formation of new blood vessels. This process is particularly useful for protecting your cardiovascular system, especially when you regularly engage in high-intensity training (HIIT).

With the BPC 157, your cardio will be improved, allowing you to increase both your training volume and frequency for optimal bodybuilding gains.

#3. BPC 157 promotes weight loss and lean muscle mass gain

Using BPC 157 helps boost your metabolism, which results in thermogenesis (increased body heat), with your system responding to restore homeostasis by increasing your sweat rate to cool your body.

The frequency of increased body heat and cooling will cause lipolysis (fat loss) of subcutaneous fat. BPC 157 will therefore improve your chances of gaining lean muscle mass.

#4. BPC 157 increases bone density

BPC 157 is a growth hormone stimulating peptide that also promotes collagen synthesis in your bone structure to increase bone density, while providing significant healing and anti-aging properties.

#5. BPC 157 relieves aches and pains

Strength training may cause aches and pains during and/or after a scheduled session.

However, by using BPC 157, you will get significant relief from these muscle pains due to the increased release of the hormones serotonin and dopamine in your brain.

Additionally, another benefit of BPC 157 peptide worth mentioning is its ability to improve your cognitive function, which is great because your clarity of thought and focus need to be optimal during your workout in order to avoid injury due to lack of concentration and brain fog.



Possible side effects of BPC 157

You should first note that the side effects mentioned here may not apply to everyone. Additionally, due to limited research on the side effects of BPC 157, some of the adverse effects related to the use of this peptide listed below are theoretical and based on the inherent properties of BPC 157.

  • BPC 157 could make cancer worse in people who suffer from it
    BPC 157 acts as a growth hormone (GH) agent and could theoretically exacerbate the growth of cancer cells in users. It is therefore pertinent that bodybuilders suffering from cancer avoid using BPC 157, as a precautionary measure.
  •  BPC 157 peptide may reduce blood pressure. The BPC 157 peptide is also known to lower blood pressure. This should worry bodybuilders with hypotension or those taking blood pressure medications, as BPC 157 could cause their blood pressure to drop dangerously low, leading to all sorts of health problems, including fainting and heart failure. dizziness.
  • BPC 157 does not promote an increase in blood sugar levels
    If you have problems with hypoglycemia, be aware that BPC 157 will not help increase your blood sugar levels, although it is a growth hormone stimulating agent. This means that BPC 157 could act to inhibit the potential increase in your blood pressure.
  • BPC 157 May Cause Mood Swings: As dopamine and serotonin levels increase following BPC 157 use, you may experience mood swings after a cycle, especially if these hormones continually increase or remain elevated in your body (for whatever reason) and do not return to a baseline neurotransmitter level.
  • BPC 157 may cause mild intermittent headaches
    Some bodybuilders have reported experiencing mild intermittent headaches following the use of BPC 157. Additionally, some users have had histamine reactions, particularly when first taking BPC 157.

It is therefore essential that you start your BPC 157 cycle with a safe dosing plan and then gradually increase the dosage in order to avoid possible spikes in your histamine levels.


BPC 157 dosing cycle and plan

It is worth mentioning that BPC 157 is not yet an FDA approved agent and therefore you will not find a formal therapeutic cycle or dosage plan as prescribed by a qualified medical authority.

Nonetheless, the BPC 157 dosage plans available come from experienced bodybuilders whose success using this GH-boosting compound is verifiable and proven.

That being said, the recommended dosage of BPC 157 should be between 200 mcg and 1 mcg per day, whether injected or administered orally. However, as we have already mentioned, it is advisable to start with a low dosage and gradually increase the daily dose until the end of the cycle.




Is BPC 157 hepatotoxic?

No. There is no electronic identity to confirm that BPC 157 is hepatotoxic. There is also no evidence that BPC 157 poses a risk of toxicity to your heart or kidneys.

Will I get an erection using BPC 157?

It is believed that the spike in dopamine levels could cause an immediate erection following the use of BPC 157. Dopamine is known to stimulate oxytocinergic neurons in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), which can greatly improve libido and sexual function in men.

Which is better: BPC 157 by injection or orally?

In general, intramuscular (IM) injection of BPC 157 is widely recognized to deliver the agent more rapidly into the body than oral administration. IM injection is particularly useful in the treatment of isolated pain or injury.

However, oral administration of BPC 157 is also effective in stimulating muscle repair, particularly when IM injections are not a preferred option.


Where to buy BPC 157?

You can safely purchase authentic BPC 157 products online directly from UPsteroid. We offer premium BPC 157 products from internationally renowned pharmaceutical companies such as Pharmaqo Labs and Deus-Medical.

These two pharmaceutical companies offer BPC 157 injectable in 5 mg vials at an affordable price for your comfort and optimal user experience. If you need more information about the dosage and administration of BPC 157, don't hesitate to speak with an IFBB professional today.


An extract from BPC on Upteroide.to




BPC 157 is indeed a synthetic peptide very useful for stimulating the repair of muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments and cartilage in record time, while promoting the loss of subcutaneous fat in the process.

BPC 157 can be taken by injection or orally, you should discuss with your doctor and/or personal trainer which method of administration would be best suited to your bodybuilding needs.

Finally, remember to maintain a low dosage plan and then slowly increase your daily intake, as safety should be your watchword at all times.

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