Before and after using Deca Durabolin Steroid Injection

When it comes to androgenic-anabolic steroids (AAS), very few are as potent as nandrolone decanoate. Also known as Deca Durabolin or simply " Deca” in the bodybuilding community. This performance-enhancing drug (PED) provides significant gains in strength and muscle development.

Since the 1960s when AAS was first manufactured, bodybuilders have continued to use Deca as an injectable steroid, either in a solo cycle or in a stack (combination) with other steroids.

In this article, we explain why bodybuilders use Deca cycles while highlighting a safe cycle and dosage plan.

We also reveal how you can get the most out of Deca and what benefits you can expect from your Deca Durabolin cycle.

We end with tips on where you can buy genuine Deca.

Why use Deca Durabolin?

The obvious answer to this question is for mass gains. This is the main reason why bodybuilders use Deca Durabolin Steroid Injection. However, there are many more reasons why bodybuilders should use Deca.

Here are a few worth highlighting:

Intramuscular administration

If you're not afraid of needles, then Deca is an AAS that bodybuilders prefer to use due to the way it is administered. Deca is administered intramuscularly, which simply means that it is injected directly into muscle tissue.

This ensures that nandrolone, the active compound in Deca, is delivered where it's needed. With experience, nandrolone decanoate is also easy to administer.

Long-lasting properties

Deca is a long, slow-acting ester with a half-life of 6-12 days, which means the active compound of the steroid stays in your system for a long time.

This makes Deca a steroid of choice even in the off-season when you are recovering from the physical effects of a heavy training regimen.

No hepatotoxicity concerns

Deca is injected into muscle tissue and unlike many oral steroids, Deca is not metabolized in the liver. Deca is therefore not hepatotoxic and will not affect your liver health.

This is one of the main reasons bodybuilders prefer injecting Deca, especially when paired with other steroids that may be hepatotoxic in nature.

bodybuilding gains

Of all the reasons Deca Durabolin is used, perhaps the most important to bodybuilders is the bodybuilding gains that can be derived from Nandrolone Decanoate.

Deca offers bodybuilders the ability to build muscle mass while increasing their level of energy and strength.

In addition, Deca improves the endurance and resistance of bodybuilders during their weight training sessions.



Deca Durabolin Cycle and Dosage

When it comes to cycling Deca Durabolin, it should be noted that what works for a bodybuilder is not necessarily ideal for you. Indeed, as with any steroid use, there are a few considerations that can influence a respective cycle and dosage plan.

Some of these factors include the bodybuilder's age, gender, health status, and body mass index (BMI). Other considerations that may influence your cycle and dosage plan include the length of your cycle or stack, the nature and properties of other steroids in your stack, and your weekly Deca dosage.

You should never underestimate the importance of using authentic Deca products. Using adulterated or fake Deca can lead to serious health complications.

As a general rule, male bodybuilders should follow an 8-12 week Deca cycle with a weekly dosage of between 200mg and 1mg. For women, a 000-6 week cycle with a weekly dosage of 8mg should suffice.

Deca is a very potent AAS, so it's best to follow a safe cycle and dosage plan as recommended by your trainer and/or doctor.

For beginner to intermediate level male bodybuilders, we recommend a 12 week cycle with a weekly dosage of 300mg, while female bodybuilders should follow a 6 week cycle with a weekly dosage of 50mg.

How to get more results using Deca Durabolin?

To get the most benefit from your Deca Durabolin cycle, you should first consult your doctor and/or trainer. Talk to them about your goals and let them guide you through recommending the best cycle and dosage plan to help you achieve those goals.

You should also know that you cannot achieve anything by only following a steroid cycle. You should combine your steroid use with a well-structured training program and a detailed daily nutrition and supplementation plan.

If you train properly and adhere to a strict diet for the duration of your cycle, you can be sure that you will get the best results from your Deca use. Note that you cannot cycle Deca without first establishing a protocol for post cycle therapy (PCT).

That's why it's important that you hire an experienced trainer to put you through a personalized program that will meet your individual bodybuilding needs.

However, within 4-6 weeks of performing your Deca cycle combined with good diet, supplementation, and strength training, you should start noticing improvements in your body composition.

Typically, you should gain between 10 and 15 pounds of skeletal muscle mass during this time. After 12 weeks of weight training, healthy eating, and using Deca, you should expect a lean muscle gain of about 20 pounds.


An example stack pack of Deca-durabolin and Testosterone Enanthate for mass gain


Benefits of taking Deca

When you use Deca Durabolin, you can expect to experience the following bodybuilding benefits:

Lean muscle mass

Deca provides your body with substantial amounts of exogenous testosterone, which promotes increased growth hormone and nitrogen retention. Deca also increases protein synthesis in skeletal muscle tissue, which leads to increased lean muscle mass. The increase in protein synthesis also contributes to rapid recovery from muscle injuries.

Prevents muscle fatigue

Deca stimulates the production of red blood cells (RBCs) in your body. Increased GR levels increase the supply of oxygen-rich blood to all parts of your body, including skeletal muscle tissue. This slows down the rate of lactic acid buildup in your muscle tissue during weight training.

The accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles is known to be the main reason for muscle fatigue. However, increasing the supply of oxygenated blood to the muscles significantly reduces the risk of muscle fatigue.

Increased energy levels

Increasing the amount of oxygenated blood flowing through your skeletal muscles will give you the strength and energy to perform your daily workouts. Slowing the buildup of lactic acid in your skeletal muscles also improves your endurance levels. You will be able to lift heavy weights for much longer during your strength training sessions.

Increased metabolism and fat burning

Deca increases your metabolism rate which leads to lipolysis or fat burning. However, you must maintain a good diet plan, eat healthy, and exercise while using Deca in order to benefit from his advantages of lean mass gain.

Increased bone density

Deca is known to increase collagen levels, which leads to increased bone density. The increase in collagen also improves the strength of tendons, ligaments and cartilage.

With improved bone density, your risk of bodybuilding-related injuries decreases significantly.



Where to buy Deca Durabolin?

You cannot get nandrolone decanoate from a pharmacist without a prescription from your doctor. This is why most bodybuilders source Deca from the online black market. However, you have to be very careful if you want to buy Deca Durabolin online.

First of all, there are many sources that offer fake or counterfeit Nandrolone Decanoate products that can be dangerous to your health.

Luckily, at UPsteroid, you can source genuine Deca from top labs and pharmaceutical companies.

We carry various Deca products from Beligas, Pharmaqo Labs, Prime Pharma and Prius Lab. We also offer the best steroid stack with Deca for intermediate and advanced bodybuilders.

Here are some of the Deca Durabolin products available in our online store.

Deca solo cycle:

  • Nandrolone Deca 300 – 10ml – Prius Lab
  • Deca Durabolin (300mg) – Beligas(international)

The recommended Deca Durabolin cycle and dosage with these products is between 200mg and 600mg per week for 8-12 weeks.

Deca Stack Cycle:

Mass Gain Pack – PRIME PHARMA – Sustanon / Deca / Dianabol (8 weeks)

Product intake:

  • Sust: 1ml per week
  •  Deca: 1ml per week
  •  Dianabol: 4 tablets per day for 1 month (4 weeks)
  •  Samarin: 4 tablets per day
  •  Arimidex: One 1mg tablet every other day
    During recovery, you should take 50mg of Clomid and 20mg of Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) daily for 20 days.

Dry mass gain – SUSTANON / WINSTROL / DECA (injection) – Pharmaqo Labs

Product grip:

  • Sust: 2ml per week
  • Deca: 2ml per week
  • Winstrol: 3ml per week
  • Samarin: 3 tablets per day for 8 weeks
  • Anastrozole (Arimidex): 1mg every other day


You should take one 50mg tablet of Clomid and one 20mg tablet of Nolvadex daily for 20 days during the recovery period.


Injecting Deca steroids offers bodybuilders a number of bodybuilding benefits including lean muscle growth and improved performance. The Deca Durabolin Cycle recommended should last 8-12 weeks, best results are seen after 4-6 weeks of use.

You can cycle Deca solo or combine it with other AAS. However, you should always consult your doctor and/or personal bodybuilding trainer before performing the cycle.

Remember that the effectiveness of your cycle depends on the work you do with strength training, diet, supplementation, and PCT. For this, we offer you a free IFBB PRO consultation here.


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