What you should know before buying HGH

“Human Growth Hormone” otherwise called “HGH” is a hormone that the human body produces naturally. However, the level of production of this hormone tends to decline with age. So, the older a person gets, the less will be the amount of HGH produced naturally.

There are situations when the body does not produce enough HGH due to a pre-existing medical condition. In such a situation, injections of HGH (the only form in which this drug is available for now) may be needed after a thorough medical examination and on prescription by an endocrinologist.

Also, HGH injections are now being used by athletes and bodybuilders due to its numerous performance enhancing benefits. So, athletes can now buy HGH online from a number of websites like Balkan Pharmaceuticals.

A little warning before buying HGH online

In the United States and many other countries, it is mandatory that HGH injections be prescribed by a qualified endocrinologist before use. It is not possible to get HGH injections over the counter in pharmacies in these countries.

Additionally, there are legal implications for owning and using HGH without a proper prescription. That being said, there are foreign pharmaceutical companies like Balkan Pharmaceuticals who produce and sell HGH injections. Anyone who wants to buy HGH online can do so by placing an order and the drug will be shipped after payment is confirmed.

Why do athletes and bodybuilders buy HGH online?

At the risk of lawsuits for possession and use of non-prescribed HGH, you may wonder why athletes and bodybuilders, especially in countries like the United States, still want buy HGH online.

The answer to this question is quite simple. HGH offers bodybuilders a large number of benefits that cannot simply be ignored.

Here are some of the known health benefits from HGH injections for bodybuilders:

# 1: Rapid Calorie Burning:

HGH injections help speed up the metabolism leading to the rapid burning of calories. This is especially great for bodybuilders on a cutting routine looking to lose some weight.

# 2: Reduce stress levels:

bodybuilders buy HGH online from sites like Balkans pharmaceuticals because the injections HGH help relieve stress levels. Bodybuilders put themselves under an enormous amount of physical and mental stress when they train. They commit to a strict workout and eating routine which can be tiresome for both their mental and physical health. With the use of HGH injections, bodybuilders and athletes in general can get some much needed relief from the stress associated with their workout regimen.

# 3: Gain muscle mass:

Another reason why bodybuilders in countries where the use of HGH is illegal except with a prescription, would buy HGH online in Balkans pharmaceuticals and other well-known sites, is the promise of a muscle gain that HGH injections offer to the users.

# 4: Increase strength and endurance:

Working out in a gym at least 3 to 5 times a week can be hard work. It can take its toll on bodybuilders. With injections of
HGH, Bodybuilders Can Improve Their endurance and their strength physical and mental. They will feel less tired when training in a gym and the overall endurance level will improve dramatically.

# 5: Improved healing and recovery:

As a growth hormone, HGH helps bodybuilders to heal and recover quickly from injuries sustained during their workouts. With a shorter recovery time, bodybuilders will be able to keep up with their training schedule and meet the schedule and program goals. This is another important reason why athletes and bodybuilders buy HGH online.

In addition to these benefits, HGH injections help detoxify the body and skin. HGH will rid the body of free radicals as well as toxins, making the skin appear healthier, silky smooth, and acne free.

HGH injections also reduce physical and mental fatigue while improving the user's sleep cycle. Sleep is essential because it aids in recovery and HGH injections will allow users to sleep for longer hours in a day.

While HGH injections offer a huge amount of health and performance enhancement benefits, overuse or misusing the injections can lead to some health failure and side effects, such as: water, joint pain, and gynecomastia (male breasts).

Buy HGH Online at Balkan Pharmaceuticals

At Balkan Pharmaceuticals, you can buy HGH online today. There are a number of HGH injections that they have for sale and they deliver to almost all locations around the world.

Some of the HGH injections available include: SP Tropin 10IU, Bodytropin 10 IU, Gerotrop, Somatrox, and Humatrope 72 IU. Prices range from around USD $ 40 to USD $ 400 depending on the form of administration (i.e. pen or needles) and dosage measured in IU (1 mg equals 3 IU). Buyers should also expect some additional costs, such as: shipping and delivery charges.

HGH Dosage For Bodybuilders

If you are a bodybuilder and want to buy HGH online from Balkans Pharceuticals, it is important to know the recommended dose HGH for bodybuilders.

Ideally, you should administer between 4 IU and 8 IU HGH injections per week.

When you want to recover from an injury, you can increase your dose to between 8 IU to 16 IU per day.

However, do note that people react differently to using HGH injections, so it is recommended that you always start with a low dose and then gradually work your way up to a higher dose. This gives your body time to adjust to the changes. For best results, it is recommended that HGH injections be given a few hours before sleeping.

Finally, it is important to note that when you buy HGH online and start a cycle today, you should follow the administration of the injections with sufficient bed rest, a balanced diet and a well-structured training program in order to achieve optimal results from its use.


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